Recently I was introduced to a great new resource, This will not only Increase Your Buyer's Loyalty & Help Identify Buyer's as yours to other Real Estate Agents..But, it will also give the Buyer a pocket Guide for assisting them in the process of buying a home with the your of a Real Estate Profe
1) Because you, AS A CONSUMER have not been trained in Real Estate Law and Practices and have no clue what should be considered when making a 22 page offer on a home. In order to obtain a Real Estate license an agent must have extensive training pertaining to the real estate laws and procedure
Moriah's Commitments to ALL Her Buyers. (Lehigh/Northampton Counties) • Return all emails and/or phone calls within 24 hours • Discuss your requirements for a property, and then setup our action plan. • Explain the financial aspects of purchasing a property. • Provide you with information on qual
Hello Fellow Real Estate Associates! (This is my first Blog post, My goal is to share ideas and experiences) Tis the Season to write our Business Plans for 2008! I have been creating a business plan for my business since 2001.....So, as the years pass they get easier and take me less time. I l