In August 2008's issue of Money Magazine they rank the Top 100 Small Cities to live in and Newton and Waltham broke into the Top 100 List at #49 and #72, respectively. Newton was described in their article as: "Home to Boston College as well as two smaller colleges, Newton has lots of youthful en...
Just days after my post, The Pleasant Street Corridor - What's Your Vision, the Watertown Tab ran an article: Rules for Watertown's Pleasant Street allow seven-story buildings, prohibit chain stores. The Watertown Town Councilors voted to institute these rules for development along this industria...
Well, the Mid-Year Review is upon us and I thought it was time to show you some data regarding the state of our real estate market for Allston, Arlington, Belmont, Brighton, Newton, Waltham and Watertown. Below is a chart displaying the Number of Sales Year-To-Date in each of those cities and tow...
In an effort to be knowledgeable of our current market I weekly pull the market statistics in Watertown, Belmont, Arlington, Newton, Waltham, Brighton and Allston. Below are the market statistics in Waltham, Massachusetts for Single Families, Condominiums and Multi-Families. This week I am postin...
I spent the Fourth of July with my family in Washington D.C. visiting the home of my oldest brother Matt, his wife Trish, my nephew Colin and my other nephew Fenway (who happens to be a dog). While I was there we made brief trip over to Clarendon to do some shopping and eating. I came away impres...
In the last book I wrote a review about, One Minute Entrepreneur, there was a line that is becoming ever more clear to me after finishing my latest book. The line said, "In five years, you'll be the same person you are today, except for two things: the people you meet, and the books you've read."...
This weekend I decided to pull the market statistics for Watertown, Massachusetts again in order to show the difference a couple of weeks can make. As you can see, in just a couple of week we have had some big changes in the Watertown market. This is why I pull market statistics on a weekly basis...
I was thinking about expired listings today and how much I am dedicated to helping them, even if much of the time they do not want my help. Being from Boston my whole life, I began to think about the great movie, Good Will Hunting. For those of you who have never seen this movie... you should. It...
I have a lot of friends, family and clients asking what certain people could afford for what they pay now in rent. The beauty of my job is showing people how they can achieve the "American Dream" of homeownership for what they currently pay in rent. My real estate calculator can help us through t...
Last night, I finished a great book called One Minute Entrepreneur by Ken Blanchard and Don Huston. This is a truly inspirational book that is full to the brim with insight for anyone that has the dreams or aspirations of successfully running their own business. The book is written as a fictional...