Manhattan Blog Estate

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Real Estate Agent
Real estate information and consumer reports about buying and selling apartments and townhouses in the complex Manhattan real estate market.



    New York City Building Terminology Rent Stabilized Building Rent Stabilization was established in New York City in the late 1960's to set limits on the amount building owners could raise rents and to set performance guidelines for both the landlord and tenant. Rent increases for one and two ...
New York Apartment terminology A-Z Alcove: an area adjoining the living room which can be used for a dining area or be separated or closed off to make a bedroom, den or office. Classic: in a pre-war building, an apartment which has a formal dining room, and, in a larger apartment, one or two maid...
 Due to my internet presence, I've been in the news recently. Last week I was interviewed by The Korean Broadcasting Network about Battery Park City the section of lower Manhattan that became famous on 9/11/01 because of it's proximity to The World Trade Center. Yesterday an interview I did ran i...
The Upper West Side extends north from Columbus Circle at 59th Street up to 110th St. and is bordered by Central Park West and Riverside Park. The Upper West Side is separated from the Upper East Side by Central Park.Between 72nd and 96th Street most of the buildings are not taller than about 20 ...
In a recent sales meeting my manager was comparing a listing presentation to a first date. All the agents were asked to come up with questions we would ask on a first date to find out about the person and then we had to come up with questions to ask a seller on the first date.I agreed with most o...
                                                                             The  Real Estate Market in Manhattan is HOT! The buzz in the real estate industry this week is coming from Inmans Real Estate connect in NYC.  New media moguls like Craig Newark of Craigslist and Matt Heaton of activerai...
Greenwich Village, West Village, Meat Packing District, East VillageManhattan's most famous neighborhood has always been a popular place to live. Greenwich Village is the city's largest historic district.The Village is bounded to the South by Houston Street, to the North by 14th Street, to the We...