A few days ago, I wrote a post Summing it all up: New Tax Credit For "First Time Home Buyers". In the post I referred back to a post written by George Souto, which summarized the New Tax Credit Bill, which goes into effect on October 1st. 2008. One of the reasons I wrote the post: I was shocked
Since the start of the new Housing Bill is just around the corner - October 1st, 2008 - the buzz has begun. I am now starting to have people ask questions and begin conversations about H.R. 3221 - tax credits for "First Time Home Buyers." Most are shocked -as I was am - a first time home buyer i
I have taken some time and spent a little bit of money working on my Point 2 website: Find Your Freedom Missouri. I have: a customized domain name local area photos changed much of the "canned" Point 2 script have tried to register my site with various portals accepted most handshake offers,
If you want to sell your South Central Missouri property, you need an agent that is POSITIVE and PRO-ACTIVE. The market is changing daily - that doesn't mean it is bad nor does it mean it's good. It means it is DIFFERENT than what we've seen six months ago, a year ago, two years ago. Vickie McCa
Selling Tip #3 is really another twist on Selling Tip #2 - Your Missouri home, land, farm, river property or business must be priced correctly. I think Ken Tracy, from my old hometown of Naperville IL sums it up beautifully: "Buyers today are more cautious and better educated than ever. You wil
My kids think I have totally lost my mind - but I am very excited: Driving home, I finally saw a LIVE armadillo crossing the street! (Hwy A in Phillipburg MO) It was almost dark and I didn't realize how quickly an armadillo can move, so I wasn't able to grab the camera. I would have loved to pres
Offered by: United Country VIP Realty in Lebanon MOForeclosure Property! 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, partial brick/rock home built in 2003 Executive style home on dead end street - foreclosure will allow you to buy this home at an unheard of price! This home sold for ov
Missouri "Bond Money" is a loan program offered through the Missouri Housing Development Commission. Bond money allows residents planning on living in their home to obtain assistance with their purchase (meaning: the home cannot be for investment purposes/rental) Money is limited so the Missouri
I'm sitting at my laptop, on-line via my cell phone. Satellite TV on in the background, coming from the living room. Sounds of the Wii float through the air from the kids playing down the hall. Last Thursday a storm took out our router box, used for our high speed Internet connection. The box exp
Don't forget to log onto the SRS website, and personalize the press release for your Seller Representation Specialist designation. I wasn't sure where to find the example but Sheila Hensley from the Council was quick to answer my question. You'll find the sample press release here: If you are log