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~ Reddington Pass Sunset ~ Tucson, AZ I took this photo almost ten minutes after sunset, long after the bright colors had faded.  I was high in the Rincon Mountains east of Tucson, on Coronado National Forest land.  Below me, the city of Tucson was a patchwork of pinpoint lights thirty miles wid...
Active Rain just hit a milestone ~ 200,000 members! I've been keeping an eye on this number as it moved up, and was guessing that we wouldn't hit this number until Valentine's day. When I joined (with 100 total points,) in July of 2007, there were 41,000 real-estate-related professionals in this...
~ Harris Hawk on Saguaro ~ "Looking for dinner" I hiked this afternoon in Reddington Pass, high in the Rincon Mountains that border the city of Tucson on the east side.  This Harris Hawk and two of her friends were looking for something to eat.  They weren't very interested in me, so long as I s...
Jim Rohn is one of my all time favorite motivational speakers! You'll like this; get a cup of coffee, settle in for a few uninterrupted minutes, and recharge your batteries.  "Learn to work harder on YOURSELF than on your job!"  You'll walk away with a more positive attitude. ___________________...
~ Verde Valley Canyon Moon ~ Somewhere between Clarkdale and Perkinsville, AZ You can drive from Clarkdale, Arizona to the old mining ghost-town of Perkinsville in an hour and twenty minutes, but why would you?  The canyons of Arizona make you want to pull over on the side of the road, get out a...
~ The Chiricuhuas In Winter ~ Near Portal, Arizona This peaceful scene is my current wallpaper on my home computer.  I took the photo last Saturday at about 9:00 in the morning ~ just about the time that Gabby Giffords was setting up Congress On Your Corner in the parking lot at the Safeway in T...
 ~ Good Morning, Sunshine! ~ Just in case you hadn't seen it before, THIS is the "crack of dawn."  :) Saturday morning saw me in Portal, Arizona, scoping out this tiny (60 residents) picturesque town that is a birding mecca for thousands each year from around the world.  The mountains in the sun...
~ Momma Owl's Perspective ~ Every nest ought to have a view.  Mine does.  So does the hollow of this Mexican Blue Oak tree, scarred, scoured and burned out by lightning.  Lightning storms in the desert are fearful events.  I've watched a lightning strike devastate a hundred-year-old saguaro, lea...
~ Crossing Guard, Arizona Style ~ I'd never hiked the east face of the Chiricahuas until this past Saturday.  I met a friend at 5:00 a.m. at the Triple T Truck Stop on Interstate 10, and we drove east for two hours to the New Mexico line.  From there we drove south 1/2 hour on Route 80 until we ...
~ Congress On Your Corner ~ ~ Gabrielle Giffords ~ I haven't been able to blog since Saturday.  This evening, though, it became clear to me that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was doing what all of us, of every political persuasion, want from our representatives, and I want you to share this thought wi...

Mike Jones

Mike Jones NMLS 223495
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