In 2005, the Illinois Real Estate License Act was amended to include a required 6 hour Broker Management CE course for all licensed brokers. All brokers licensed after April 30, 2006 are required to complete the course within 180 days of initial licensing. All other brokers are required to comp...
An entry titled The Future of the Real Estate Profession was posted on February 9, 2007. This is an update to that posting. For another excellent view on this issue from a fellow active rain member see It's aout time!Senate Bill 571 (SB571) has passed UNANIMOUSLY in the Illinois Senate and has ...
Yesterday, I posted an entry titled the "The Sad State of Search, or Why I Can't Find What I am Looking For?"After some thought, I decided that it would better serve the members of ActiveRain and the readers of my blog by changing the title to reflect the most important issues, a present danger a...
As the director of an Illinois real estate pre-license school, I occasionally search key words just to see what type of real estate classes are available.More and more frequently, I find myself being led to web sites that are no more than thinly veiled classified ads designed to take advantage of...
Want to obtain an Illinois Real Estate License? Here's How.In Illinois, exams, licensing, and continuing education for real estate agents are governed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. In order to obtain an Illinois real estate license, an applicant must firs...
The Internet is a rich resource for real estate and general business information. There is so much information that it is easy to become bogged down with information overload.In this post, I will focus on some of the web sites that the has found to be extremely useful. We hope you enjoy them! Pl...
In coordination with the FTC's recent real estate competition law enforcement sweep, the Commission has issued a new Facts for Consumers publication entitled "Selling Your Home? Tips for Selecting a Real Estate Professional." The publication can be found on the FTC's Web site and is designed to h...
One of the most important financial events in peoples' lives is the purchase or sale of a home or investment property. As a result, they usually seek the help of a real estate professional or agent when buying or selling real estate. A real estate agent may be a licensed real estate broker or l...
Will it have any effect on the quality or number of real estate licenses in Illinois?Senate Bill 0571 (SB0571) has been sent to the rules committee of the Illinois state senate. The bill is an update to the Real Estate License Act of 2000 and among other issues:increases the required education f...