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By Colin McCarthy, J.D., Robinson & Wood, San Jose, CA So let's talk American Horror Story and the liability of prior owners for dangerous conditions. Our favorite fun subjects, right? Before things got too silly, there's an episode where [spoiler alert] somebody dies and gets buried under the ga...
By Steve Boudreault, Buildium, Boston, MA It all comes down to Sunday. The journey that started back in September for the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers ends at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in Nawlins, with one team going home with the championship and the glory, and one team just go...
By Colin McCarthy, J.D., Robinson & Wood, San Jose, CA So my wife and I recently started binge watching American Horror Story on Netflix. It stars that Dylan McDreamy from those '90s WB teen dramas, and the wife of the coach on Friday Night Lights, Connie Britton. She is great, as usual. He is ab...
By Steve Boudreault, Buildium, Boston, MA As of this morning, the population of this little blue ball we call home was 7,061,514,434. And that doesn't even take into account the number of babies born in the time it took to write that first sentence. As anyone who takes public transportation in th...
By Colin McCarthy, J.D., Robinson & Wood, San Jose, CA I saw and liked the latest James Bond flick. I say latest and not "new" because I realize it was released last year and by now everyone is discussing Django Unchained. I will be ready to discuss that film in six months, when I have time to se...
By Steve Boudreault, Buildium, Boston, MA Ah, pets. What to do about pets? There are all sorts of policies out there when it comes to renting to people with pets. Some properties adopt a hardline stance: no pets of any kind. Some properties only allow pets that are in aquariums or cages. Some all...
By Steve Boudreault, Buildium, Boston, MA Well here we are in a brand-new year, and if you're a property manager, you've no doubt drawn up your plan for keeping your residents and keeping them happy in 2013. Many property managers follow a fairly standard playbook when it comes to resident perks ...
By Steve Boudreault, Buildium, Boston, MA Here in Boston, one doesn't even need to set foot outside to know that the first Arctic blast of the season is upon us. Twitter hashtags like #brrrr and #cantfeelmytoes tell a frigid story. Facebook posts like "It's colder than a tin toilet seat on the sh...
By Colin McCarthy, J.D., Robinson & Wood, San Jose, CA I recently had a neighbor suggest to me that we jointly fund a new fence along my side of the property that adjoined his. The fence was dilapidated here, but nowhere else. I was open to the idea, but wondered why I should share in the cost if...

Michael Monteiro

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