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The temperature has gone down and it’s about time for you to turn up the heat in your properties. Getting your property ready for winter involves more than just adjusting the temperature, though. Here’s a quick guide to ensure you’ll be ready long before that first storm arrives. 1. Service your ...
Please find the enitire post on the Buildium Blog... For better or worse, preparing units for turnover is part of every property manager’s job. There’s good news, though. Just a few simple strategies can go a long way toward making the turnover process more efficient and cost-effective. Best of a...
We want to know what real estate publications you read and where you read them (I would place a poll on ActiveRain, but AR does not have polling capabilities).  Please visit the Buidlium Blog to vote and see the results of where real estate and property management professionals get information.

Michael Monteiro

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All things property management is a one stop destination for folks interested in learning more about managing real estate. Broken down into a variety of targeted columns, the information that you are looking for is easily accessible — from investing tips and best practices in The Intelligent Investor to the real-life dilemmas of property managers in Stories from the Front Lines. We’ve brought on contributing writers from across the country to share their respective expertise with you, whether you’re a landlord, a professional property manager, or an association board member. Your feedback, participation, and comments will help us deliver the information you need most. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in contributing.