I will be co-hosting Bizz Buzz Live with Timothy Chin on Saturday, July 14 from 10 a.m. to Noon CDT. Log on to or to Listen Live! It uses Windows Media and is simple... just click and listen. I'll be outlining my registered and trademarked Certified WISE Home P...
How many F-Bombs have you dropped in your office lately?Listen, you know Knowledge is important. So why don't you acquire it... about your clients!?! First, read Harvey Mackay's book, "Swim with the Sharks...Without Being Eaten Alive." In this book, he gives his 66-question survey regarding his...
Have you let FORD PWR you lately (Leadership Letter #7)?Now, you have a method for breaking the ice at a networking function and you have sent them a PWR note. That puts you in the top 20% for all follow-up systems. But you don't want to just be in the top 20%, you want to be in the Top 1%! Th...
Okay, you've received 7 of my Leadership Letters. Imagine them going to your children or to your colleague who is an entrepreneur or to just yourself. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Leadership Letters. Yes, these are in the VERY initial stages. Yes, I will be taking out the references ...
Thank you for your reply! You do know how to set SMART goals to Achieve Success Daily!Let's talk about talking to people today. Icebreakers, networking, getting to know people, reunions, listening, conversationalism, empathy, etiquette...Remember, he (or she) who talks dominates the conversatio...
* Would you play basketball without a basket?* Would you start driving without knowing where you wanted to end up?* Have you ever noticed that they put a picture of the cake on the box?!* Would you shoot arrows without a target?****** No, you're too SMART for that!!! JIs your master bathroom...
I HAVE A DREAM...TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!Letter #4: (Review) Have you been an Encourager? Who have you encouraged? Son, daughter, wife, husband, team member, everybody? Today's letter describes how to turn YOUR dreams into REALITY.A Harvard Business School study found:· 83% of the popula...
Have you been listening or have you been listening to WIIFM? It takes Courage to Encourage"Put'em up. Put'em up." - Cowardly Lion, Wizard of OzENCOURAGEMENTToday, it is about Encouragement. More specifically it is about your role as encourager. Many of our clients, our friends, our family members...
Your favorite radio station is…In my last note, I mentioned that I could predict your favorite radio station. Before I do that, let’s compare the positive vs. the negative. Remember, only YOU can make YOU miserable and only YOU can make YOU happy. BE happy, DO things that Happy People do (smil...
Hi again! Heading out of town is always a hectic. Packing, preparing, planning, phoning, etc. When I get out of town, it thoroughly clears my thoughts…gets me out from in front of the trees and lets me see the forest. This bird’s eye view makes me more money and helps me be a better teacher, t...