Michael J. Maher's (michaelmaher) Blog

Real Estate Agent - The Maher Team, LLC & Realty Executives
Don't miss the biggest event of the year in Kansas City.  This event is a great way to spend time with family and friends during the Holiday season.  Plaza Lights : The Plaza Lights is one of Kansas City's most favorite traditions and is the official kick off of the holiday season. The famous cer...
Let someone else do the dishes! Are you tired of slaving away in the kitchen all day for Thanksgiving?  If so, there are many great restaurants in the KC area where you and your family can go and have an incredible Thanksgiving dinner without having to step foot into the kitchen. McCormick & Schm...
Johnson County, Kansas makes Top Three in "Best Places to Raise a Family!" Confirming what we've known for a long time. Schools + affordability + amenities = grade place to raise children. Johnson County is confirmed as one of the three best places in the country to raise a family. Great news for...
According to CNNMoney.com Johnson County has 3 cities that made the list of Top 100 places to live in the United States. OVERLAND PARK 9TH OLATHE 11TH SHAWNEE 39TH LINK IS BELOW: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2008/top100/
This man makes $30,000 per month on his blog, do you?... (edit/delete) http://www.johnchow.com/win-a-market-leverage-bag-of-stuff/ We are having John Chow of JohnChow.com on Bizz Buzz Live, this Saturday, June 14 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can dial in via Internet at www.BizzBuzzLive.com. Dial in...
This man makes $30,000 per month on his blog, do you?... (edit/delete) http://www.johnchow.com/win-a-market-leverage-bag-of-stuff/ We are having John Chow of JohnChow.com on Bizz Buzz Live, this Saturday, June 14 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can dial in via Internet at www.BizzBuzzLive.com. Dial in...
http://www.johnchow.com/win-a-market-leverage-bag-of-stuff/ We are having John Chow of JohnChow.com on Bizz Buzz Live, this Saturday, June 14 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can dial in via Internet at www.BizzBuzzLive.com. Dial in early as there is a limit to bandwidth. John Chow makes over $30,000 p...
Okay, this is your warning not to fall for any April Fool's Jokes tomorrow.  Here are the Top 10 April Fool Hoaxes of All Time.  Interesting reading!#1: The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest In 1957 the respected BBC news show Panorama announced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination...
Check out this video on You Tube.  It is very interesting.  Please give me your feedback. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljbI-363A2Q
The theme this month is Winners Don't Whine. Recent current events have kept whining top-of-mind lately, as an article below will show, so I started studying whining in the world around me. Professional people whine more than one might expect. I suspect they do not realize how they sound and woul...

Michael J. Maher

#1 National Best-Selling Author
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