Morris County NJ - Negotiating short sales is tough. In my opinion, some of the banks are not making good financial decisions. "We won't approve the file without the financials completely filled out," they say. Or, they tell you the numbers won't work when the investor guidelines actually sa...
Morris County NJ - What do you do when the house won't sell for any more money, but the bank keeps on rejecting the offers? You can give up, but the seller may lose their home to foreclosure. Ouch! Why not escalate the file and get it approved. Here's an example of how it worked for the Stop Fore...
If we believe the rhetoric influence of the Tea Party candidates and other Republicans who will be swept into office in January, we will have some consequences that will impact almost every phase of American life. The full impact will probably not be felt until the next presidential election. I...
Morris County NJ - "I can't process this short sale without the TPS form filled out with the seller's full name", the short sale negotiator told him. "But, based on my calculations, this short sale will help your company avoid a $17,000 loss", he replied. "So, you're telling me that unless I can...