Morris County NJ - The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Jennifer. She is having a hard time selling her home. "I have had my house for sale for a little while, but it hasn't sold. No buyers have come to look at it. At first I thought the price was fair. But, now that n...
NJ Loan modifications have become a joke. People get turned down for no reason at all. People really want to keep their home, but just can't figure out what to do. The loan modification negotiators realize how desperate the homeowners are. They use their power over the person to take an ego trip....
Morris County NJ - Maybe this is a pet peeve of mine. Or maybe it just seems ridiculous that someone would call a debtor over and over again asking to be paid, when they have already been told the debtor doesn't have the money to pay them. Or maybe it is the fact that I see countless examples of ...
If homeowner's have a bill of rights, then bankers must have one as well. We decided to put together the Banker's Bill of Rights. That way they wouldn't feel left out. Let me know if we should put this together and petition congress to add it to the constitution. The Banker's Bill of Rights. 1. A...
The big banks made mistakes and received a bailout. They have the resources to lobby congress and the courts to have laws written to suit them. But, what has the little guy received? Nothing. So we decided to put together a Homeowner's Bill of Rights. It's time we had Washington look at what we w...
NJ - Wiki leak's Editor, Julian Assange, recently said he would be releasing documents on a large US Bank. We decided to beat him to it and release some information on how a large US Bank caused their client to lose an estimated 40k because of their incompetence. This is a house that I drive pa...
This is an older blog I had written. I have not posted it to Active Rain until now. I hope you all get something from it. Have a Great Thanksgiving!! Agents who work well with Investors tend to be the winners in this current real estate market. Being successful with Short Sales requires a little ...
The robo-signing mess is just the tip of a very big iceberg when it comes to problems that are endemic in the loan servicing industry. Congress may be focusing the immediate attention on the problem of faulty foreclosure paperwork, but there are many other concerns that make a number of common l...
Another agent asked me about a short sale. His seller owed 270k. The house was selling as a short sale for 170k. The lender had two opinions of the house value. They said the house was worth 220k. However, the agent thinks those are incorrect because the house has been on the open market for sev...
Anyone who has tried to build a Fan Page on Facebook or use its advertising tools has wondered how to rank highly when people search using a Facebook search tool. AimClear, a Minnesota-based SEO research company, has published its third report on Facebook SEO Ranking Factors. Lauren Litwinka, ai...