Who says that the winter has to be a slow time of year??? This is my blog about why I think it's a GREAT time to buy. Morris County NJ – If you are looking to buy a home, then you probably want to get the best deal. January is the best time to be purchasing a home. Let me explain why. A lot of...
Morris County NJ - The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Tamra. She is buying a home and her agent is trying to talk her out of short sales. Here is Tamra's question. "I am looking to buy a home. Some of the best priced properties are short sales. However, my agent won'...
WOW....the year is over. It's amazing how fast the time goes. Anyhow, this is my last blog for this year. I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!!! Take care. ~Merydith Morris County NJ – Most homeowners negotiating a loan modification are not amazing negotiators. After all, it’s not e...
NJ – Loan Modifications are tough. Lenders don’t want to reduce your payment or reduce the amount you owe. It’s insane. Don’t even get me started on the topic of the nation’s courts being tilted in the favor of the big banks! Most loan modifications end in failure because the banks are so hard t...
For the Agent in any market battered and beaten with Short Sales and REOs the days of making a call on a potential client in a $600 suit or driving up in a Mercedes are over. Leave home the gold and diamond jewelry as well. Clients will only feel comfortable with the person they know, like and ...
Morris County NJ – GMAC was the financing arm of General Motors. It was taken over by Uncle Sam and has been mostly privatized as Ally Financial. However, many people still have loans from the original GMAC. Some of these homeowners want to short sale, but are curious about how it works. A GMAC ...
Everyone who goes through a period of emotional turmoil and loss will experience the different stages of the grief process. The grief process for a distressed Homeowner is quite recognizable. The first stage is denial. The Homeowner believes that the situation can be salvaged and so he borr...
Even experienced Short Sale Agents often miss one critically important step in the Short Sale process: meeting the BPO Agent. Some are under the impression that it is against the latest BPO and Appraisal rules to meet the BPO Agent. This is not a problem as long as the meeting is done correct...
This is not my usual blog post, but I came across this article and I thought that I just HAD to share it. Maybe some of you have read it by now. It was posted in NY Times (online) from November, 2010. I was totally in shock! It is amazing to me what people will do to make money. You do have ...
Short Sales in many markets are really unavoidable. Any Agent who wants to stay in business must accept Short Sale clients. So, why do Agents hate Short Sales so much? Fundamentally, Short Sales take a different skill set, more time, and a higher tolerance for paperwork and tracking than most A...