Morris County NJ – Here are four specific examples of big bank’s negligence causing a loan owner to lose money. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. Example #1: Not giving buyers an answer on a short sale within one week. Home buyers don’...
Morris County NJ – Here is a fact that most of the American public doesn’t know. Most mortgages are not owned by banks. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. Most of the huge losses on bad mortgages were not lost by the banks themselves. T...
Morris County NJ – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Durry. Here was Durry’s Question. "We have American Home Mortgage Servicing, a loan processor for a Mortgage held by Deutche Bank, adding a 1% “processing fee” that ONLY the buyer can pay at closing. This was neve...
Morris County NJ – Sometimes it seems like short sales are tough. “Don’t try to short sale your house. Short Sales never go thru”, people tell you. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. This isn’t true. Here is how one agent beat the odds...
Morris County NJ – A negotiator at a large bank tried to mislead a Stop Foreclosure Institute Member. She really got on our nerves. Discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale to avoid foreclosure by clicking here. You see, we've spent the last few years figuring out all the guidelin...
This bank's stockholders are probably unhappy after losing $50,000 over incompetence. Morris County NJ – I have a good story today about another bank losing their shirt because their short sale process is so tough to work with. The bank in question is a large, top 20 American Bank. They actually ...
Morris County NJ - People often wonder why their lender will release their debt in a short sale. Most lenders don't like to release the debt. But, they agree to do it because they know that policy nets them more money. They net more because a home usually sells for more money as a short sale vers...
Morris County NJ – Here is a question that the Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received. "I am in the middle of a very long negotiation with Chase. The seller had me to put a clause into the contract stating “upon approval of short sale by sellers’ lender, lenders, & or affiliates, client, or...
Morris County NJ – Here is a technique you can use to “strong arm” you’re your lender on your short sale. The number one reason people short sale is to salvage their credit. After all, a short sale has much less of an impact on your credit than a foreclosure. Despite all this, banks still make sh...
Morris County NJ – Many people are shocked that it is often cheaper to short sale and rent then staying in your home with a loan modification. They find it hard to believe that they can rent a comparable or even nicer home for less than their mortgage. Here are the two factors that make it possib...