Frugality is finally showing up in new home developments. Although the number of new single-family houses sold this year will probably be down about 68 percent from the peak of almost 1.3 million sold in 2005, there will still be about 420,000 households buying new homes this year, according to t...
Click Here to view the video!! Click Here to visit my website!!! If you don't take yourself to seriously and like to laugh this is for you. I know times are tough and people are going through many different types of hardships right now. This video shows the hardships that CEO's are going throug...
The Obama administration is promising an aggressive fight against the rising tide of home foreclosures, but officials have yet to decide what strategy -- or combination of strategies -- they will use. Among the possibilities being pushed by various interest groups are a six-month foreclosure mora...
Not long ago, no-down-payment loans were the height of fashion for home buyers. But now that lenders have tightened their standards, borrowers once again are expected to "put some skin in the game," to use a favorite industry catchphrase. That "skin" refers to the borrower's own cash, and it mean...