Vancouver Real Estate

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Real Estate Sales Representative - Century 21 In Town Realty
A blog about Matt's life as a REALTOR in Vancouver. Market info and updates, city info and anecdotes about and my life and business in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
One of the great mortgage brokers I work with, Ray Mayer, sent me the following information regarding some new lending programs. Pre-Sales nearing Completion? For those wishing to take advantage of their equity gains during the construction period; we can now provide financing based on the presen...
Today I listed what is now the cheapest home in Point Grey. Listed at $900,000 it is actaully almost $12,000 under its 2007 assessment (assessed value as of July 2006)! The next most expensive home was listed last week for $985,000. Both homes are older bugalows with some developement upstairs th...
Traffic was backed up bumper to bumper on the Cambie Street bridge Thursday as Canada Line construction has limited Cambie Street to one lane each way from the south end of the bridge deck all the up to W. 16th Ave. This will stay like this for the next few months. If you are headed out of Downto...
They say that the better the market the less developed spend on wooing the REALTORS. Last week I attended the REALTOR preview for Cressey Develeopments new "Yaletown" tower names Donovan. Now this one has beena  long time coming. I pre-registered for this on 13 MONTHS AGO! Apparently there were s...
Genworth Financial Canada (they insure mortgages among other things) has released a report saying that Vancouver condominium prices will keep rising until at least 2011. They predict that demand for resale condos will slow as it has over the last 3 quarters on 2006 and that new construction will ...
Shocked by the increase in your property tax assessment this year? Many properties now have assessed values greater tan their market value. British Columbia Finance Minister Carole Taylor has announced that for the fourth consecutive year the province has improved the Home Owner Grant. Homeowners...
I just returned from my lunch and noticed that they are preparing to demolish the long derelict home across from London Drugs in Kerrisdale. I wonder what will replace it. The trend in this area has been big square faux heritage homes (the new Hong Kong special. Is it the Beijing special?). The z...
Great one bedroom condo at this great Open House Saturday January 20th from 2-4pm and the 21st from 2:30-4pm.See it here
I attended a Breakfast Meeting for REALTOR's yesterday where we enjoyed a short speach from one of the City of Vancouver's city planners regarding the city's plans for the Westside of Vancouver. The general jist of it was that the city is planning to increase density in Vancouver, but on the west...
We are having an Open House Saturday and Sunday this weekend (January 20th and 21st). We will be open from 2-4pm on Saturday and 2:30-4 on Sunday. Hope to see you there. This is a great unit: large, unique, great balcony, wonderful community.

Matt Collinge

REALTOR® - Vancouver Real Estate
smartphone(604) 916-4663
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A blog about Matt's life as a REALTOR in Vancouver. Vancouver real estate market info. and updates, city info and anecdotes about and my life and business in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
