Vancouver Real Estate

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Real Estate Sales Representative - Century 21 In Town Realty
A blog about Matt's life as a REALTOR in Vancouver. Market info and updates, city info and anecdotes about and my life and business in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The Canadian Real Estate Association released their 3rd quarter numbers yesterday and although not the record numbers of last quarter the market remains strong. Seasonally adjusted MLS® sales activity totaled 89,482 and although not a record, it was one of the best qurters ever. Sales were down i...
Brian Hutchinson of the National Post has written an article about the affordability challenges facing Vancouver home buyers today. Its a fairly typical story of a fellow and his wife who didn't buy into the real estate market 3-5 years ago and now find that they are priced out of the market. Tak...
 The following article recently appeared in our monthly REALTORlink newsletter from the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. Very useful info for BC REALTORs and real estate consumers:Financing the Property Transfer Tax (PTT).Is it possible? It depends ...When a home buyer begins working with ...
I just put my 1st listing up on Facebook a few days ago and today I received a very good inquiy from the listing. Are you using Facebook and other social networking sites to promote yourself and your listings? You can include links in your profile which should be good for SEO and with Facebook gr...
The follwong article was sent to all REALTORs in British Columbia by the BCREA (British Columbia Real Estate Association) and and further underscores what I have ben telling people for years, foreclosures are very rarely a good deal. Multiple bids in foreclosure sales: a lawyer's perspective By J...
Today Finance Minister Carole Taylor announced that the 2007 budget would include an increase in the threshold for the first time homebuyers exemption from the Propetry Transfer Tax (1% on the 1st $100,000 and 2% on the balalce for any home purchase). Now if they would just do away with the tax a...
REALTORs in Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley can now help law enforcement agencies through the Realty Watch program. This is a crime prevention and reduction program designed to allow REALTOR's to report crimes they witness to police, but more importantly it works as a kind or Amber Alert ...
I have noticed lately that you can collect points for everything these days. Of course there are Active Rain points, Point2Homes has a perfmance index, it seems many of the local Vancouver radio stations have points programs (Z95.3,JACK FM, Clear FM) and almost everyone collects some kind of air ...
I got my first traffic ticket in more than 10 years last Thursday and by some mriacle it was not a speeding ticket. Not that drive I that fast, but of all the tickets you expect to get as a REALTOR speeding is the one you expect to get. No, I got a ticket for an turning left at a 2-way stop where...
The new tower by Cressey Developments in Vancouver, B.C. has created a 5-part, or act sit-com series called Donovan life. There has been lots of commentary on this in the blogoshere today. See The Future of Real Estate Marketing and on the Ubertor blog. One of the"stars" of the show is Crystal Bu...

Matt Collinge

REALTOR® - Vancouver Real Estate
smartphone(604) 916-4663
Contact The Author
A blog about Matt's life as a REALTOR in Vancouver. Vancouver real estate market info. and updates, city info and anecdotes about and my life and business in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
