Lakefront - The Best Spot on Lake Maspenock Overview Maps Photos Neighborhood Market Stats $500,000 Single Family Home Main Features 5 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms1 Partial BathroomInterior: 2,200 sqftLot: 6,098 sqft Location 13 Woody Island RoadHopkinton, MA 01748USA To get updates on open home dates an...
Town of Hopkinton, MA Real Estate Activity February 2013 In the community of Hopkinton, MA in the past month, there have been 10 homes sold. The average price of these homes was $477,879, and the homes were on the market an average of 91 days. There have been 13 homes listed for sale d...
Maple Sugar Days River Bend Farm 287 Oak Street Uxbridge, MA Sunday, March 3 11AM - 2PM Maple Sugar Days at River Bend Farm, the Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park, 287 Oak Street, Uxbridge, MA will be held Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3 from 11AM to 2PM. The event for...
Quaint Chases Ocean Grove Cottage For Sale Overview Maps Photos $69,900 Cottage Main Features 2 Bedrooms1 BathroomInterior: 382 sqft Location 205 Billingsgate WayDennis, MA 02639USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "Like" button below: Kathleen A. McB...
Lakefront - The Best Spot on Lake Maspenock Overview Maps Photos Neighborhood Market Stats $500,000 Single Family Home Main Features 5 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms1 Partial BathroomInterior: 2,200 sqftLot: 6,098 sqft Location 13 Woody Island RoadHopkinton, MA 01748USA To get updates on open home dates an...
Bellingham, MA Homes Sold in the Past Month In the community of Bellingham, MA in the past month, there have been 10 homes sold. The average sale price of these homes was $246,230, and the homes were on the market an average of 150 days. There have been 10 homes listed for sale during th...
Quaint Chases Ocean Grove Cottage For Sale Overview Maps Photos $69,900 Cottage Main Features 2 Bedrooms1 BathroomInterior: 382 sqft Location 205 Billingsgate WayDennis, MA 02639USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "Like" button below: Kathleen A. McB...
Lakefront - The Best Spot on Lake Maspenock Overview Maps Photos Neighborhood Market Stats $500,000 Single Family Home Main Features 5 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms1 Partial BathroomInterior: 2,200 sqftLot: 6,098 sqft Location 13 Woody Island RoadHopkinton, MA 01748USA To get updates on open home dates an...
Lakefront - The Best Spot on Lake Maspenock OverviewMapsPhotosNeighborhoodMarket Stats $500,000 Single Family Home Main Features 5 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms1 Partial BathroomInterior: 2,200 sqftLot: 6,098 sqft Location 13 Woody Island RoadHopkinton, MA 01748USA To get updates on open home dates and ot...
Quaint Chases Ocean Grove Cottage For Sale Overview Maps Photos $69,900 Cottage Main Features 2 Bedrooms1 BathroomInterior: 382 sqft Location 205 Billingsgate WayDennis, MA 02639USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "Like" button below: Kathleen A. McB...