Survey Shows Troubling Trend By Rob Minton & John Mazzara An election in the United States just went by again, and the first and foremost directive of voters to public officials seems to be, "Fix the economy!" The problem is, those voters might not even know what's broken. Quick question for you:
Have you heard of Shadow Stats? I was recently at a Harry Dent presentation and it was referenced there. Also, some of their info was quoted and sent to me in an email. The gist of their information is that there is more to traditional statistics. In fact, there is a lot more. Shadow Stats d
You Gotta Keep ‘Em Separated By Rob Minton & John Mazzara Warren Buffett is often considered the top investor of our time. He recently revealed in an interview, however, that he once made one of the biggest blunders an investor can make. In fact, Buffett called this blunder his biggest mistake e
We all have the right to vote. If you don't exercise your right, what's it worth? Please take a moment and make your way to the voting station. If you can't make it tomorrow, you can always vote early-like today. The video below is just a fun upbeat song about life and best sums up my feelin
This is one of the most powerful video documentaries you will ever watch. It is about inflation as a result of debt. I found it fascinating. I would recommend you view it, share it, and understand it. It is that important. We can still turn the boat around, but time is not on our side. Unde
This is a great home. If you are looking for affordable Uptown real estate, look no further. This is located in a super convenient location. John Mazzara | RE/MAX Associates Plus | (952) 929-2577 2719 Harriet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN Outstanding uptown 2 story in tremendous condition. Consider
The Positive Side Of The Foreclosure Moratorium By Rob Minton & John Mazzara At first glance, the foreclosure moratorium by several of the United States' biggest mortgage companies appears the result of banks' processing foreclosures too quickly, thereby becoming sloppy, even reckless. You might
Tell Your Money Where to Go By Rob Minton & John Mazzara I saw a quote recently that makes a whole lot of sense but that I have a feeling people don't always heed. "If you don't tell your money where to go," the quote went, "you will always wonder where it went." I think one of the real barriers
While this is a few years old, it is timeless. Tony Robbins shares some ov his wisdom. It is more than "Ra Ra" I would recommend you watch it. It might help you provide some clarity in your life and decisions in a world and work environment that are short on certainty. Recharge your battery.
Work Forever? No Thank You By Rob Minton & John Mazzara I was at a get-together over a recent holiday weekend, and overheard the following from a retired man, who's in his late sixties: "I think everybody should work until they're 90," he said. Then I overheard another guy, still working but prob