Does It Make Sense to Get Into The Market for Troubled Homes? In March, RealtyTrac, a leading online market for foreclosure properties, reported that February 2010 foreclosures were actually down 2 percent from the previous month. Yet, RealtyTrac indicates this break might not last long. Even th
How Will We Be Judged? By Rob Minton & John Mazzara The passage of the Health Reform Bill in the U.S. House of Representatives on Sunday March 21 got me thinking about a quote I've heard a few times. A wise man once said "Every society is judged by how it treats its least fortunate amongst them."
Here is their link:,,id=179414,00.html There is a lot of confusion over what the act covers, who is eligible, and when certain provisions and exceptions will apply. I have provided the link for everyone to see and read. Many times a homeowner will pur
These rule changes will apply everywhere-not just to Minnesota Homeowners. I don't have the link to the officia White Housel release yet, but here is just a sniplet of what you will see: A forbearance program for unemployed borrowers that will write the mortgage payment down to a recommended 31%
Up off the Ground By Rob Minton & John Mazzara Talking to an experienced real estate investor last week, I heard a pretty good quote from him. He said: "The worst part about falling is seeing the ground coming towards you. Once you hit it, you can assess the damage, get up and make repairs." That
I was reading the WallStreet Journal today and saw a full page ad recommending various home/housing related apps. The ad was actually pretty cool. I just got an Iphone and love it. Prior to this, I had a Treo. Here are the apps that were recommended to look at: myPantone(helps you select p
Everybody wants a fixed rate loan today and for many people, a fixed rate is the right way to go. At the same time, if your time frame is projected to be 5 years or less, you might want to consider an ARM. The FHA and conventional ARM's are pricing in the upper 3's today. The 30 year fixed ra
Have you ever wondered "how much paint do I need" when deciding how many gallons to purchase? Well now I have found a resource that might be helpful. It is an online paint calculator. Simply do some measuring and entering in the data and away you go. Having an approximation of the right amoun
Having been involved with more than a few short sales, I can tell you that it can go "either way". It might be a quick process with little pain that proceeds to a successful closing or it could be a mess with the second mortgage holding refusing to discount and instead decides to blow up the dea
Time is NOT Money By Rob Minton & John Mazzara You've heard the old saying "Time is money," right? It's supposed to remind us that wasting time is often what costs us money. But make no mistake, time is NOT money. I've written it before and will write it again and again: Money is replaceable. Tim