The other day I happened upon a conversation between two colleagues. While channel surfing, they had both come across a rerun of the 1985 classic "Back to the Future", and were discussing what things they would change if they, too, could pop back in time. After listening to their ideas-one of w...
I admit it. I am one of the few people alive who don’t watch the Oscars. Not even a channel flip when the program I’m really watching has a commercial. Zip. Zilch. Nada. And among the many reasons that I don’t tune in is this: I’m a GUY. And as a guy, one of the strangest things about the...
Anyone searching for a home mortgage in Plano, Texas? One of the best mortgage professionals is located in Plano, Texas because he is all about making sure the borrower is in complete control of the pricing on his mortgage. To do this he uses RateWindow which requires mortgage professionals to co...
What's missing from the new GFE? Transparency for the borrower is the puzzle piece that is missing. Even though Washington's intent was to make the mortgage transaction more transparent, they have missed the mark again. The new GFE does help borrowers compare one lender to another - IF they are...
The recent Labor Department's October job report leads me to believe that a forecast that more jobs are right around the corner might seem over zealous...given our double digit unemployment rate. It also is quite optimistic given the significant NonFarm Business Sector productivity gains. Product...
Capitol Hill is once again working on financial institutions to make it easier for people who can't afford the mortgages they agreed to pay to stay in their home even longer by forcing lenders to "CRAMDOWN" the amount of the loan or extend the length of time a borrower has to pay. See Business We...
This is part 2 of my "Are you crazy" post. You can read part 1 here. I referenced the so-called "strategy" of those who voluntarily stop paying their mortgages. And, based on your responses, I wanted to do a second posting on this issue and why it is so important that we as industry professional...
I, like many of you out there, have children. Children who have been of the opinion from quite a young age that-too often for my taste-they just don't want to do certain things. Like pick up the thousands of pairs of shoes that they leave around the house over which I undoubtedly end up trippi...
There seems to be a rumor going around the real estate industry that somehow a lender pays your buyer's mortgage broker (or banker) for doing their loan based on the interest rate at which the loan closes. This is fuzzy mortgage math at its best. To those in and outside the real estate world who...
Washington thinks we have a “Kick Me“ sign on our back! The sign is really stamped on our foreheads and it says, “Please increase my taxes!” Or another sign would say, “I really want to pay more for my mortgage.” Obama’s proposal for a new Federal agency is sure to come at a “Kick Me” cost. Are a...