A Massachusetts Professional Home Stager's Home-The Anti Staging As a Massachusetts Professional Home Stager I have helped countless Sellers prepare their homes for sale. In doing so I have often advised them to stage their homes so that they will appeal to the "most amounts of Buyers". One of th...
Foxboro, Massachusetts-Antique Colonial-Staged Home Come see this stunning staged home near the center of Foxboro, Massachusetts! I have always loved older homes with all of their character. As a Foxboro native, this home has always been a favo...
Real Estate Staging in Eastern Massachusetts can be extremely affordable. Interiors by Marianne Cherico offers reports and consultations that cover everything from curb appeal,decluttering, floor plan, paint colors, updating etc. etc. for the do it yourself homeowner who wants to maximize the eq...
Here are some model home staging pictures of "Connet Woods", Rochester Ma. This new sub divsion boasts of spacious one acre lots clustered in eight distinct neighborhoods. The model home staging was done by Interiors by Marianne Cherico of Foxboro,Ma.-Staging Foxboro,Southeastern Massachusetts an...
The benefits of home staging to sell your home faster and for more money are numerous. Home staging is the secret weapon of savvy Real Estate Agents and Sellers . My home staging services have helped many Sellers and Real Estate Agents in the Foxboro area as well as Eastern Massachusetts and Rhod...