In the early twentieth century, Key West hosted a fascinating mix of fishermen, spongers, rumrunners, and cigar manufacturers. Located more than 100 miles from the mainland – and before the overseas highway simplified the trip – it also attracted many artists and writers with its untamed, tropica
Much of our history here in Key West revolves around our setting in the Gulf of Mexico, and a good deal of our culture springs from the same source. The sea is part of our daily life – you can hear it, you can see the waves break on sandy beaches, and best of all, you can even taste it! Historic
Those of us who live here already knew it, but the 2013 Farmer’s Almanac has confirmed that Key West is the best place in the US to spend the winter! Due to our fortunate location, we enjoy a mild, tropical maritime climate that’s just right. Each year the Farmer’s Almanac selects a list of the
While most American cities have their own New Year’s Eve traditions – maybe a parade, or a concert, or a disco ball drop – Key West doesn’t settle for less than three great ways to welcome in the New Year. The excitement starts on Monday, December 31, when about 200 short-legged dogs and their o
There is nothing quite like a tropical holiday, especially when the rest of the country is shivering in its boots! Here in Key West we make the most of our warm weather during the holiday season, and we keep the party going even as the year winds down. On Saturday, December 8, the annual Key Wes
Part of what makes Key West such a fascinating place is its diversity. Along with its identity as a balmy island paradise, the Conch Republic also enjoys a rich Caribbean history. Founded in 1871 by Cuban exiles dedicated to Cuban independence from Spain, the Instituto San Carlos preserves not on
We truly enjoy the best of all possible worlds here in Key West. Our potent mix of cultures and backgrounds gives a unique flavor to the island that captures not only the tropical setting but also the quintessential American melting pot experience. Our line-up of early November events is a great
Our tropical island paradise of Key West has always attracted people for its laid-back, relaxed atmosphere and abundant natural resources. These important features of the Key West lifestyle are showcased in two exciting events happening in early November. Jimmy Buffett holds a special place in
There are always plenty of exciting things to do year-round in our island paradise of Key West – and October is certainly no exception. Much of the tourist traffic has slowed down, but the island community is ready to party! While the rest of the country starts to button up their winter coats, he
In Key West, we are fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. Key West’s shores have long been an attraction to mariners, contributing to our island’s rich and diverse historical heritage. The people of Key West know the importance of this legacy and work h