If you’re thinking of selling your home in Las Vegas this summer, you’re likely to have already considered different approaches to making it stand out from other properties. Will you repaint in the entryway? Stage the living spaces? Should you upgrade the appliances — or leave them as is to keep ...
Buying a house for the first time! It means you’ll be joining the club: the home ownership club that Americans have traditionally recognized as emblematic of the fullest community membership. It’s an exciting endeavor — one that ushers in a whole new realm of pride, maturity…and of a truly major ...
July’s RealtyTrac foreclosure roundup showed that for the first time in a while foreclosure activity across the nation was on the increase. Largely due to an 11% month-over-month increase in bank repossessions (REOs), U.S. foreclosure starts increased 4% from the previous month. It wouldn’t be su...
Putting your Las Vegashome up for sale makes you a key player in a marketing team led by your real estate agent. But you don’t have to attend seminars on salesmanship or study the latest marketing best seller to make valuable contributions to your team: heeding a few guiding principals will take ...
No matter what triggers your decision to sell, a crucial next step for every homeowner is selecting the Las Vegaslisting agent who will bring in the best results. If you don’t already have a bead on a leading Las Vegas star producer, there are any number of factors that can help guide your listin...
The Census Bureau tells us that 43 million people move households each year. That definitely makes it a Big Business opportunity! You would think that huge commercial empires would have sprung up to take care of every tiny detail (for a price), but in truth, those companies generally serve a mino...
Las Vegas investors have dozens of possibilities vying for their business at all times. Las Vegas real estate investment opportunities come in a variety of forms: raw land, single-family residences, and multifamily rental housing in many forms, from duplexes to apartment buildings. Investors comp...
Who doesn’t give a quick second glance when they drive past a Las Vegasproperty for sale? Our curiosity seems almost automatic, even when we ourselves don’t have the slightest inclination to move out of our own home. For more and more people, there’s a new reason for more serious rubbernecking w...
#LasVegasShortSales Homeowners, if you're contemplating a Short Sale the time to act is now! The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 was extended through the end of 2013. Some Short Sales can take several months to complete, so don't wait! CONTACT ME TODAY and get rid of that upside...
With summer weather upon us and Las Vegas home values on the rise, it’s natural to follow the urge to get going on outdoor-oriented improvement projects. One of my (and my buyers’) favorite added features is the outdoor kitchen. That temporary folding table you used to see next to the rollaway ba...