The kids are gone. Your big house seems either dreadfully empty or just plain wasteful. Congrats: you are officially in possession of a Las Vegas empty nest! Now it’s time to consider where and how you want to live next. When Do You Sell? It's not a bad time to be selling in Las Vegas—but since ...
Buying a home in Las Vegas is hardly a do-it-yourself kind of project. Having confidence that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed requires the input of professionals whose daily dealings keeps them in touch with the current legal and financial arenas. Call them the “Fundamental Four” — th...
Sometimes what you don’t say in your Las Vegas real estate listing can be as important as what you do. Your marketing will necessarily include all sorts of numerical info your agent enters for Las Vegas' MLS – but the main text itself is every bit as crucial. That paragraph has to be more than a ...
Consumer confidence certainly seems to wax and wane in a not-totally-predictable manner. What does seem clear is that when the future is cloudy, Las Vegas homebuyers tend to tighten up their purse strings. It’s logical: if you can plan ahead with a greater degree of certainty, you feel better abo...
According to the National Association of Realtors®, nearly 40% of home buyers will be first-timers this year. In other words, if you are new to the housing market you are certainly not alone. Since first-time home buyers in Las Vegas experience the same learning curve as anyone everywhere, review...
A Las Vegas short sale is a transaction in which the amount paid is not sufficient to cover the existing mortgage or property liens. Once the lender agrees to accept the lesser amount, the short sale succeeds, the lender calls it even with the seller, and all parties can move forward. It’s a goo...
As you begin any search for a new home in Las Vegas, it’s worthwhile to take a step back — to take a momentary time-out to consider widening the range of possibilities. For many families, the kind of home they are looking for is a foregone conclusion. Either they want a customized house in a new...
The photos that make up your Las Vegas listing will be key to your home’s marketing effort. If that first impression is positive (or even if it only raises curiosity), those images will have helped you past the all-important first hurdle. What makes a Las Vegas listing a visual triumph? I’m afra...
Although the housing market continues to improve, it’s not quite time for the next wave of Las Vegas home sellers to reserve the moving vans. Especially for home sellers who are on the verge of listing their property, it is time to pay attention to the smaller details that would seem inconsequent...
Even though national foreclosure rates have continued to drop, the threat of becoming another Las Vegas foreclosure statistic is still very real for some homeowners. It’s at least somewhat reassuring to understand that most banks don’t really want a foreclosure — so for homeowners who take an ear...