Top 5 Reasons for Cash OutFlow Real estate professionals experience similar business challenges, whether they work in Seattle, Austin, or Poplar Bluff. The dynamics of the business drive both cash inflows (from a cascade of sales) and cash outflows (for a variety of ongoing and predictable expens
Stop Paying Taxes You Don't Have To Pay!One would think that every real estate professional - every business person - no, every person would wish to pay the lowest amount of taxes that they can possibly pay. We all want to pay our "fair share" of tax burdens to fund our collective goods - common
Attn: All BrokersYou may be getting a tax cut in 2018 after all! Amidst all of the hype in the tax bill regarding corporate tax cuts that leave small business owners behind, there may be something in the new tax legislation that will help the typical real estate agent/broker.It was widely repor
Real Estate Predictions for 2018It's that time of year that we all take out our crystal balls and prognosticate about what might happen in the coming year. With tax 'reform' passed and the Federal Reserve leadership about to change, 2018 may shape up to be a pivotal year for real estate. Here a
Real Estate Predictions for 2018It's that time of year that we all take out our crystal balls and prognosticate about what might happen in the coming year. With tax 'reform' passed and the Federal Reserve leadership about to change, 2018 may shape up to be a pivotal year for real estate. Here a
Say Goodbye to low interest rates. What a difference a month makes. It was only one month ago that we were experiencing new lows in mortgage rates, even with the prospect of the Fed slowing raising interest rates at upcoming FOMC meetings. The 10 yr Treasury Bond, the closest bellwether to mort
What Brexit might mean for Real EstateIt's the morning after and a new phrase is now in our vocabulary for the foreseeable future - Brexit - meaning the exit of Great Britain from the European Union (EU). The EU is nearly 60 years old, originally called the Common Market, and began as a free tra
Don’t you hate the mid-December stories about year-end tax tips? Like you don’t already have enough to do at the end of the year, now you are supposed to squeeze in these money savers (after you’ve committed your funds to holiday gifts!). So here is a timely list of tax saving tips for 2015 tha
Money Management Tips for RealtorsI support Realtors in their businesses every day - and while I can do some things for them (to help accelerate their cash flow), Try any or all of these 9 tips and you will see your bank account grow: Segregate your business activities from your personal onesH
When is a Wire not a Wire? When it's an ACH. Banking lingo is confusing. Like healthcare, it is full of abbreviations, inside baseball terminology, and specialized jargon that can drive the average person or small business crazy. On top of that, different banks like to use their own terminolog