Mary's Musings on Green Building, Renewables, Energy Efficiency and more....

Education & Training - GLREA
One of the highlights of my trip to the 2007 Michigan Energy Fair was learning how to drive a SEGWAY BY KAR !!The postcard advertisement says, "Rediscover Freedom...Choose the glide that fits your stride"What a great invention the SEGWAY is! I felt a little unbalanced and nervous at first but Kat...
"Taking the wind out of energy sales" jumped out at me on the Sunday June 10, 2007 from the front page of the Grand Rapids Press. Lengthy article but worth the read.We all know that Chicago is referred to as the "Windy City". Chicago lays on the East Side of Illinois on Lake Michigan. The winds t...
Extend Congrats to Ed Vogt --    Ed was having a beautiful day on the golf course yesterday when it got even better!Ed Got A Hole In One!!!!! Click on this link to hear Ed's Account of the day!!!How cool! I hope some day I can join the club!Whoopie!! WooHoo!! Way to go Ed!!!! 
Today I had the good fortune to meet Jennifer Malinowski, program manager for Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA). GLREA has undertaken a HUGE project and is putting together the Second Annual Michigan Energy Fair! The countdown has begun ... countdown here! Jennifer was explaining t...
As I journey on Active Rain I find my creativity blossoming. I have always wanted to write ... now I have found a forum.As we journey together in the rain, let us not forget to thank the person who brought Active Rain to us. For me, this is an incredible journey on which I have spread my wings li...
Last week Jeff Geoghan challenged us to find out what is going on at our local level. The Grand Rapids Press has had an article on Green Building nearly every day. Sunday June 3, 2007 the Grand Rapids Press shouted "Hospital Plants Its Roof" on the front page of the region section. How excited am...
Welcome to my new friend Debbie Schuhman who has just joined Active Rain! Debbie was invited by Buzz Holtvluwer and is swamped right now. Once things settle down for Debbie we'll get her up and running in the rain.Debbie is a Realtor with Coldwell Banker and a licensed builder as well! Wow! No wo...
I want to extend a warm welcome to my friends who accepted my challenge to play in the rain with me:Mark Alexander: Mark is an appraiser in Michigan who I have worked with for several years. He has just taken the jump and opened his own company. I wish him success in his new business. I know Mark...
According to an FBI Press Release dated March 8, 2007 the FBI entered into an agreement with the Mortgage Bankers Association to combat mortgage fraud. The press release contains an "advertisement" that the FBI has created announcing that Mortgage Fraud is Investigated by the FBI.It is up to all ...
Falling behind on mortgage payments?We are in unfortunate times right now with the foreclosure rates moving higher daily. Much of this is blamed on subprime mortgages and adjustable rate mortgages by the mainstream media. I would like to suggest some additional factors that have not been mentione...

Mary McGraw

2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!
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