To keep you sharp and smart in 2016, be sure to remember these tips:1. Get The Blood FlowingIn a 2014 study at the University of British Columbia, women who walked briskly for an hour twice weekly for six months—but not those who strength-trained or did no exercise—increased brain volume in the ...
Fannie Mae recently released their “What do consumers know about the Mortgage Qualification Criteria?” Study. The study revealed that Americans are misinformed about what is required to qualify for a mortgage when purchasing a home. Here are three takeaways:§ 59% of Americans either don’t know (5...
Whether you are buying or selling a home, it can be quite an adventurous journey. You need an experienced Real Estate Professional to lead you to your ultimate goal. In this world of instant gratification and internet searches, many sellers think that they can For Sale by Owner or FSBO. The 5 Rea...
People often ask whether or not now is a good time to buy a home. No one ever asks when a good time to rent is. However, we want to make certain that everyone understands that today is NOT a good time to rent. The Census Bureau recently released their third quarter median rent numbers. Here is a ...
In 1907, famed psychologist William James claimed, “We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources.” A journalist later misquoted him as saying the average person develops on 10% of his mental capacity. Scans, however, show that we use every part of our brai...
In a recent post, Trulia examined whether homeownership was again being seen by adults in the US as a “part of their personal American Dream.” Over the last five years:§ The percentage of U.S. adults who believe homeownership is part of their American Dream increased from 70% to 75%§ The percenta...
Last week, an article in the Washington Post discussed a new ‘threat’ homebuyers will soon be facing: higher mortgage rates. The article revealed:“The Mortgage Bankers Association expects that rates on 30-year loans could reach 4.8 percent by the end of next year, topping 5 percent in 2017. Rates...
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th bec...
The Mortgage Bankers’ Association (MBA) recently released a report: ‘Housing Demand: Demographics And The Numbers Behind The Coming Multi-Million Increase In Households’. In this study, the MBA “utilized a comprehensive analysis of data from 1976 to 2014, a period encompassing several market and ...
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” ― Bill Gates Taking control of your life is a choice. A lot of people don’t really stop to think about it, but it’s true. Believe it or not, you choose how you live your life. You might choose...