April '22 - Success And Friendship! That's What ActiveRain Means To Me. Back in the Dark Ages of 2010, interesting posts from a group called ActiveRain began to show up in my reading. Looking into the community, I discovered that it actually had a phenomenal philosophical base.The Founders offer
Exciting New Approach To Email and ProductivityOn Zoom May 3rd - 2pm ET Join us to hear some wonderful suggestions for increasing yourproductivity and savingtime as you do! Greg Vetter - Vetter Productivity - will be leading the weekly learning session for Members which meets every Tuesday, vi
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown - CRM - EZ Search Using IXACT Contact What's the BEST Client Relationship Manager (CRM) on the market? The one you actually use!Don't continue to search around in all the possible locations where Client info might be stored. Make your business life easy! Use a Client Rela
Dear Readers,Listening to Charra Hammett from YourSiteNeedsME at the ZOOM MeetUP on Tuesday was an amazing experience. Her presentation was so dynamic. She packed every minute with a minute and a half of things to learn. You'll enjoy reading it and enjoy adding her suggestions to your work proce
Dear Readers - As ActiveRain works on our Blogging SEO, online ratings continue to be very important as explained here by Rich Gaasenbeek, IXACT Contact CRM co-Founder.Check out what Rich has to say here, and in two of my previous posts, How to Build Your Real Estate CRM and Why You Want To, a
Dear Readers - Yes - here we are at March already! Nonetheless, still the beginning of the year... Another special feature of IXACT Contact is the Social Media integration, explained here by Rich Gaasenbeek, CRM co-Founder.Check out what Rich has to say here and in my other post and think about
Dear Readers,IXACT Contact is my preferred Contact Relationship Manager (as some of you have known over the years). Rich Gaasenbeek, from Toronto, Ontario, a Co-Founder of IXACT Contact, presents a thorough explanation of how one's Database can be a road to success. Rich posts on his ActiveRain B
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown: Client Feedback At Its Best In Atlanta, Buckhead, Midtown, the Westside and throughout the country, many real estate professionals have enjoyed working with amazing Clients during home searches. When they respond to our service by sending a special review, the process i
Dear Readers, Getting to know Kat Palmiotti has been a gift I received from ActiveRain. Her posts bring the natural beauty to us. The beauty of her new locale is astonishing. And - - her enthusiasm for her work and the people she knows is always a delight! Enough from me - enjoy your trip to Mont
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown: How Many Repetitions Before You Listen? In Atlanta, Buckhead, Midtown and the Westside, plus many other areas in Metro Atlanta, computers are "Basic Furniture". So are Mobile Phones. So are Tablets and Laptops. In some homes, even the thermostats have computer componen