Atlanta Buckhead Midtown Westside Homes

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Atlanta Homes ODAT Realty - Love our Great City - Love our Clients! Buckhead - Midtown - Westside
Atlanta Homes ODAT Realty BLOG for Atlanta Buckhead Midtown Westside Homes FIRST-TIME BUYERS are our specialty - ---- Get on the right track with us! a All info to help a person choose where to live in the WONDERFUL CITY OF ATLANTA. Lynn - 404.939.2727 -or PLUS - News about wonderful Intown Neighborhoods in Atlanta. BUY - SELL - LEASE.- important information for all types of Real Estate Transactions. At times, posts stray to Technology, Atlanta Events, Attractions, Colleges/Universities, Public Schools ---
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown- AR Community Guidelines - Follow To BenefitAlthough I joined AR in 2010, as a "latecomer", my first post was not for about a year.  I hung out, attended ActiveRain University to learn as much as I could about Blogging and answered questions. Gary Coles (Coaching) was my ...
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown HOA Discussions Must Be Thorough Before Buy The concept of a Home Owners' Association began as a positive tool for community management. An HOA only exists in each community as designated by the votes of the "shareholders" of the community. Those are the individual owner...
Why repost the same day?Some posts are worth repeating! Joe Manausa writes clearly and gives thorough information every time he does. For a person who wants to know how to write a post about a home for sale, following Joe's example is the way to go. Each post heading/title starts with a phrase th...
WISCONSIN FORESTLANDBob Crane supplies a nature video of remarkable beauty.  Just the sound of the words predict adventure. I remember when Bob Crane joined AR. He announced that he would stay as an unpaid member until he reached the 500,000 mark and could have a free account! And he did! Sad for...
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown - FRAUD WARNING!!! - Shining Bright Gift CardsSadly, sometimes those shining bright Gift Cards one received as a gift are completely without value. As opposed to "holding" money in the magnetic strip, the cards have been stripped of value after an elaborate SCAM. The orig...
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown- 2025 Begins - Success Awaits Ahead For All Interesting time of year in Atlanta. On one hand, it is the end of the holiday season. Every day one could see a variety of decor for celebrations. Generally, these appear in cold weather.                          IMAGINE MY SUR...
Without viable links and current SEO methods, searching in Blog posts can be as frustrating as trying to get a car out of the sand at the beach!Our OP here - Andrew Mooers from Maine - talks about his childhood on the family farm preparing him for the Maine real estate world. His experience is a ...
Thank you Robert Siciliano for your continued AR posts. You offer valuable advice in every single post.Whenever I begin to read a new post from Robert, I know that I must allow time - reading one will lead to reading four or five more posts! Robert is devoted to helping others protect their asset...
So many of Dr. McDonald's posts are worthy of attention. Check out some of these:Adoption    ...   Ghosting   ...  Appraisals   ...   ActiveRain Friends   ...  Gifting AR Points  Today, her post really speaks to my heart. A friend from the past -- someone I had volunteered with for over 30 years ...
Atlanta Buckhead Midtown- December and Gifting 2024  - What Choices?Need to choose a gift for those who have everything?How about a farm animal or a share in a farm animal?How about this?Click above then the arrow to see a slide-show of options- Heifer International!   Having given a share of hal...

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