In March of this year, over 200 San Mateo County residents met at Canada College to talk about the high cost of housing in our county. They were selected by random telephone calls. This month is your chance to sound off and voice your thoughts, concerns and comments about this issue. And someo
Could Belmont Have Hit Bottom and Now Be Rising? Tuesday is our Broker Tour Day. We get a list of all new listings available for us to see on Tuesday by late afternoon on Monday. Belmont, generally one of the hidden gems in our Fantasy Island had 10 homes over $1 Million Dollars today. Belmont
I've been showing short sales listings lately. I have a client who's been thinking that they're the way to go. A good deal. He's bottom fishing. Guess what? They may not be all you think they are. You may find that you'll end up paying past due taxes. If Home Owner Association dues are past