If you have an older home and are considering selling it within the next year or so, you are likely already considering what ROI's are best in preparing your home for that future sale. I've talked previously about doing remodeling yourself or having it done, the importance of landscaping, and th
I've been thinking about Space lately. You know the amount of Space you live in, not what's up there somewhere in the sky. How much is too much? How much is too little. Do we really need more space? Do you, do I, does anyone need a mega mansion? When I was growi
I'm asked quiet often about Zillow and their property valuations. Most of the time I laugh when I'm asked this question because the data is generally wrong. It's either too high, or too low, but very rarely correct. Now it's really not Zillow's fault since they comb public records for their da
We are approaching the end of the year, yup, Q3 is just about over, and then the year winds down with Q4. Did you know that there might be a way to find some much needed money to buy a house with the help of your family? If you have the income to pay a monthly mortgage on a house plus the insu
Every year the parents of St. Matthews Episcopal Day School in San Mateo run Dickens House. It is generally held in a Hillsborough mansion that a group of designers have redone and then the parents fill the house with unusual gifts and Christmas goodies for the public to buy. It's always a grea
One of the ways we see whether a market is shifting is by looking at stats, like those I wrote about yesteray. Another way is by the amount of traffic we see during an open house. Last week the traffic was off on this property as compared to the previous two weeks, so we are thinking that maybe
There is a season for real estate just like a season for all things. The Fall generally sees a slow down in listings and sales as people begin to think of other things on weekends like football and fall sports. Last weekend's open house saw a reduction in the number of people coming through and
The final community I'll report on this round is San Carlos. It's one of my favorite towns on the Peninsula with a vibrant downtown made up of locally own shops and restaurants. The community was built up in the low lands before and after WWII. The homes in the hills went up in the 1960's and
Belmont sits between San Mateo and San Carlos in the hills above El Camino Real. It's the kind of town one either loves or hates because of it's unique homes. They vary from small former summer cottages to huge mansions and these home can reside on the same street and block. It's very rual in
Foster City, 94404, shares a zip code with the city of San Mateo but that's the only thing they share. Foster City is a planned community, meaning it was planned from the ground up, and was one of the first two planned communities in the US. There are apartments, condominiums, townhouses and s