Lou Ludwig Blog

Education & Training - Ludwig & Associates
 Maximizing Your Resources to Maximize Your Life“The biggest tragedy in Americais not the great waste of natural resources –the biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources because the average person goes to his grave with his music still in him.”Oliver Wendell Homes 1809 – 1894, American Phys...
Your Inner Strength Will Keep You Pushing Forward“The man who can drive himself furtheronce the effort gets painful is the man who will win.” Roger Bannister, English Olympic Athlete, Runner, The FirstRunner to Run the Sub-Four Minute Mile in the 1952 Olympics                             Speaker,...
Successfully Achieving Your Goals is Your Mission“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do.” Norman Vincent Peale, 1898-1993 American Writer and Minister   As I see it. . . . . . . .Successfully achieving your go...
Believe . . . . You Can Do It“Never underestimate the power of belief when it comes to fulfilling your dreams. I can say with no hesitation that every personI’ve ever met who has achieved any degree of success has one thing in common: they believed with all their heart they could do it.”Mac Ander...
The Benefit of Education“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do,when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man’s training begin, it is probably th...
Happiness is Found in Your Moments“Finally, what I really want is to be happy in this moment,where the magic and miracles happen. Stay in the moment and all gifts are added as you breathe and take inspired action.”Joe Vitale, Best Selling Author    As I see it . . . . . . . .Happiness is found in...
Be Considerate of Others“How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympatric with the striving, and tolerantwith the weak . . . . because in your life you will have all of these.”  George Washington Carver 1861 – 1943, American Botanist and In...
Championship Teams Are Built “Championship teams are built on being prepare, playing unselfishly and being held accountable.”  Jason Kidd American Basketball Coach and former player    As I see it . . . . . . . .Championship teams are built  Three characteristics of championship teams are . . . ....
Group Thinkers Need Not Apply “It were not that we should all alike; of it is difference of opinion that makes horse races.”  Mark Twain 1835 – 1910, American Writer, Humorist,Entrepreneur, Publisher and Lecture   As I see it . . . . . . . .Group thinkers need not apply It’s interesting to watch ...
 Respect Your Time “We say we waste time, but that is impossible.We waste ourselves.”  Alice Bloch Author   As I see it . . . . . . . .Respect your time Respect your time . . . . and you will make far better uses of your time. When you respect your time you create awareness on how you use your ti...

Lou Ludwig

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