Lori Cain Midtown Tulsa Real Estate - Own Tulsa

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Real Estate Agent - Own Tulsa - License #142914
Lori Cain's Midtown Tulsa Real Estate blog provides useful real estate information for both Tulsa home buyers and Tulsa home sellers, including midtown Tulsa, south Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso and Jenks. Also included is fun and helpful info about our neighborhoods and community events!
When I work with home buyers, I always consider that I may have to sell the house that they purchase! Even when you think this is your FOREVER home, you MUST take resale in to consideration!!! A few months ago, my clients (names changed) Sally and Joe called to say they were divorcing and wanted ...
Educate yourself about energy standards and certifications. And a reminder to always have a good home inspector on your side when you purchase a home! Here is how you can know how good your windows are even if the builder says they are Energy Star windows. First of all - we need some definitions....
1623 S Delaware Avenue, Tulsa OK MLS #1423446 Renovated by Hoby Ferrell of Ferrell Properties in 2006 Offered at $260,000 The front yard of this Florence Park bungalow is immaculately landscaped. Neatly trimmed bushes flank the walkway to the front entrance and mature trees abound. Immediately in...
My clients and I always do a final walk-through of a property we are purchasing to make sure the property hasn’t flooded since we were last there, that the home is in satisfactory condition and cleaned, that the drapes are still there, etc. At closing, Buyers sign a document stating that they are...
MLS #1421918Offered at $113,000 This darling midtown bungalow is in an awesome location – close to expressways and shopping – walking distance to Whiteside Park without crossing any streets. This very established neighborhood is filled with mature trees. And, of course, it’s in the desirable Pat...
This Pennsylvania home stager does a good job of explaining the purpose and process of home staging. Home staging will produce better Internet photos and be a key factor in whether prospective Buyers choose to tour your home for sale. A well-staged home creates an emotion within a Buyer that just...
Your negotiated real estate contract is but the first step of a successful transaction. Once the Buyer and Seller agree upon a sales price, closing date, earnest money amount and so on, the process BEGINS. We may have to re-negotiate after inspections have been done. In the Oklahoma real estate c...
Buyers are asking Sellers to contribute to their closing costs in many cases. Here is a guideline of what the Seller is allowed to pay for the Buyer: Conventional Financing Tier one: 90-95% LTV seller can pay up to 3% of sales price Tier two: 75.01-90% seller can pay up to 6% of sales price   FHA...
In our neck of the woods, we typically set closing dates 30-days out. If it’s a VA loan, I typically add an additional ten days. If I represent the Buyer and know that they have already turned in bank statements, paycheck stubs and tax returns to their Lender, I’m pretty comfortable with a 30-day...
There’s not always enough money available to make repairs when you purchase a home, but you had better get them done before you SELL the home. My clients purchased a home three years ago, and we only had $1,500 in the contract set aside for repairs. Between electrical and plumbing problems, we we...

Lori Cain

Midtown Tulsa Real Estate Top Producer
local_phone(918) 392-9900
smartphone(918) 852-5036
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