Susan's View

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Mortgage and Lending
As of 2016, Susan is no longer practicing in the USA and retains this blog as a service. Clients may call or email for a professional realtor or lender referral in Whatcom and San Juans counties
OK, I stole that line from Bette Midler but I don't think she will mind. Most of us broad-minded women who have kicked up our heels know the value of sharing and loving life! So if you have half a mind to down tools and hitch a sailboat to New Zealand, I just happen to belong to the Royal New Zea...
It's true!  I returned to New Zealand in 2016 for good. I have literally not looked back. My timing was impeccable for once. I had a couple of years to get back on the ground (I'm a dual USA/NZ citizen) and restart my business, relearning the ropes and reacquainting with my old haunts and friends...
Driving home with my convertible top down on a spring day never felt better. I had just opened a huge door and the air rushed in around me. Closing a chapter in my lending career had taught me a lot about myself:1. I am a sales animal, like a tiger on a hunt. Caging tigers is counter productive.2...
Most lenders these days have staff or access to translators to take loan applications for non English speakers. To avoid misunderstandings from the get-go ask: does the person working directly with your client actually understand lending? It's an important question due to the subtle issues which ...
QUESTION:  Have you ever proclaimed: "Short Sales have less impact on your credit than a Foreclosure"? This is not exactly true. Because there are so many risk factors involved in credit scoring; a person who lost their home through whatever means is usually in some state of financial distress; s...
Imagine the average home owner in your neighborhood having an extra $300 in their pocket every month after a successful refinance? What do you think that new found cash flow might mean to your local economy? Would they stay in their home and invest in necessities and just maybe have something lef...
A real life. The kind that includes friends and work and fun in equal proportions.  I am speaking to myself here! Today's home-buyers need to feel grounded. With so much in flux it's important to impart a sense of purpose and commitment to their own lifestyles as they consider home ownership. Hav...
LOTS of hay is being made in this market! Are you and your buyers fretting over politics and things we cannot control - when the best opportunity in recent history to purchase a home is like, NOW? Smart buying never goes out of style. It's up to us to communicate the value of picking your moment...
Today I received my third call in three days from a credit impaired borrower. Most are referrals from Realtors. One could take this as a kind of insult that I am considered the 'helper' rather than the closer of their better clients. I also receive referrals of better clients - so who's complaini...
4/27/11: The Federal Reserve Chair, Benjamin Bernanke held his first live news conference: FOMC HOLDS FED FUNDS RATE TARGET AT 0.25% (AS EXPECTED); LIKELY TO REMAIN LOW FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD- Unanimous vote by all Federal Reserve Bank Chairs. Just so we understand what is going on here: the Fede...

Susan Templeton

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A place to be who we are in the spirit of inspiration and shared vision.