Ok the title pretty much says it all. I'm getting all my ducks in a row for a redesign consultation this week and I've somehow deleted my contracts (or can't find the file on my computer) and I don't have any hard copies. I wasn't totally pleased with the one I had but I need one. Do any of you h...
I've looked at lots and lots of pictures of homes, on staging sites, on real estate for sale. I've seen images too dark to really get a good view, fuzzy images, and photographs that have the look of a pro. And my pictures generally come out well.... perhaps just not as well as I would like. That ...
So I'm considering the Rain Camp coming up in Atlantic City.... have any of you stagers been to one? What did you think? Tell me more...any comments will be appreciated! I'd love the chance to hear what it did for you or what insights you gained. Thanks to everyone who responds!
Happy Tuesday morning from a chilly but sunny Pennsylvania! Yes it seems FINALLY that spring may be right around the corner, and none too soon for this girl! My quandry for today is this. I w as taught a certain "formula" for leasing accessories and I think it makes sense, but I'm curious how ot...
It's a rainy Friday in all of the Philadelphia/Montgomery County area. Warm, but frequent downpours, the creek that runs behind our home is mighty high. But I digress with chatter on the weather, the bottom line is I didn't have too much work today, accessories etc are are piled in little vignett...
Ok so here I am, having finally taken the plunge and started home staging as an official business of my own. God knows I've done it often, but until now it was tied to my other job or was done for family and friends. I know how important marketing is. And I know I keep hearing to "network network...
In my own way I've been staging for a number of years. I've been a Home Furnishings Consultant for a large furniture company for quite some time. I've worked on sales worth $40,000 to stage and sell upscale beach houses at the Jersey shore. I've worked with any number of stagers and decorators, m...