Know your Buying Power! Financing and Your Credit ScoreCredit is an important component in helping you find the best loan product to meet your home-buying needs. The way you handle credit obligations can greatly affect your loan choices and the interest rates you can get. In short, the better...
The majority of the Dallas area continues to experiencea low inventory trend, the Dallas area of Highland Parkremained relatively consistent in its available inventoryof pre-owned homes (resale) in May: New construction homes had a substantial decrease in their available inventory from prior...
The low inventory trend continues for theDuncanville, TX community, with available resalehomes once again below that of the prior two years: Due to the lack thereof, new construction homes haveno impact on the Duncanville real estate market: And although the median price fluctuates...
Corporate Relocation - Know Your CostsTypically in a corporate relocation, the company will cover most or all of the moving costs. But because it may not cover everything you spend during the process, you will want to be sure and get answers to the following questions as you make your plans to mo...
How to Install a Programmable Thermostat Do you want to know how to install a programmable thermostat in your home? Here is an easy to follow “how-to” video to learn how to save energy and money on your heating and cooling bills simply by replacing your existing thermostat with a programmable th...
The low inventory trend is changing for the Midlothianarea, with the resale available homes inventory on the rise over the prior two years: Inventory for new construction homes has increased as well: And although the median price fluctuates month to month, it is exciting to see that ...
I will admit it, I am not a "yard person"...Don't get me wrong, I love a beautiful weed-free lawn but the maintenance is something I delegate! For those of you with a green thumb and/or love working in the yard, here is another video with how-to tips from the folks at Scott's "How To Use A Broad...
I received this in an email and have no idea who came up with it to give the author credit. Enjoy these fun "Scrabbled" words... Subject: FW: Scrabble anyone Someone out there must be "deadly" at Scrabble. PRESBYTERIAN: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: MOON STARER THE EYES: THEY SEE THE MORS...
The low inventory trend continues for the Cedar Hillarea, with the resale available homes inventory well below that of the prior two years: New construction homes have remained consistent in their fluctuation, with little inventory to add to the market: And although the median pric...
When it comes to a goal, you can’t just “set it and forget it”!Goals are important to set both short-term and long-term to keep us balanced and focused (and sane!) It is so easy to just go through day-to-day and fall into an abyss of despair. Setting a goal each day, each week, each month and f...