Overwhelmed with “stuff” and feel like the only solution is to rent a storage building? Learn organization basics that can be applied to any organization project, from junk drawers, to your home office, to the garage; this How-To video from Rubbermaid is full of great ideas: Now, you are ar...
My great state of Texas has a fun tag-line for all of the people that weren't born here, but have moved here: "I wasn't born in Texas, But I got Here As Fast As I Could!" That being said, to those that know me...they know that it was not love at first sight when I first landed in Dallas many, m...
In a sad situation the bank was great - I loved working with them, yes, a bank! Once upon a time there was a lovely property that showed beautifully, located in a highly desirable neighborhood and priced to sell. Unfortunately it was during the down turn and the property was going to appraise ...
And this is my third love entry for our fun February contest because it's one that my clients "won" in buying and closing on their Dream Home...and they were the back-up offer. I always remind clients (and agents) that in a tight market, negotiating a back-up offer can win the day! Another gorge...
Well of course I had to add some entries of my own into the February Love Is In The Air contest!One of my favorite transactions includes former tenants that I hated to lose, but was thrilled to work with them to buy their first home. Well prepared with their down payment and loan pre-approved, a...
Sorely missed, but always with us....Lou Ludwig's posts live on. Here is one of my favorites of his. If you have not discovered Lou's blog, there are years' worth of wisdom to read there. It’s Possible When You Believe It’s Possible “If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or re...
It never seems to fail, if a closing is going to be delayed dueto the financing it seems it is because of a bank handling the loan rather than a mortgage professional. I truly dislike working with one of the big box banks as they just cannot perform as well as a licensed mortgage professional. D...
It's February and Love is in the air! This contest is all about a transaction that you loved to handle because it made you feel so good. This contest is not limited to Realtors...Home Stagers, Mortgage Professionals, Contractors; all AR members are encouraged to join in. Here are some prom...
Well, North Texas needed rain and we are certainly getting plenty of it! With several more days of rain still in the forecast, many areas in and around the Dallas Metroplex have already recorded six to eight inches of rain! Flooding in several areas has been reported and drivers are having to p...
Continuing education is key to your success in any industry, and in Real Estate it sets you apart from the other Agents.Marshall Field explained it well:"The man who puts $10,000 additional capital into an established business is pretty certain of increased returns; and in the same way, the man ...