Lisa Hill's Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Agent - Florida Property Experts
Selling homes, vacant land, condos, townhouses, and more in Daytona Beach, South Daytona, Port Orange, Ponce Inlet, Daytona Beach Shores, New Smyrna Beach, Ormond Beach, Wilbur by the Sea, Ormond by the Sea and other towns in east Volusia County. To buy or sell real estate in the Daytona Beach area, make a Smart Choice and call Lisa Hill today.
                             Beautiful Port Orange Florida House for Sale in Gated Community This house is perfect for a large family, and great for entertaining as well! You'll love the layout, the area, and the neighbors ( I live next door) =P Don't wait. Call today!     **ALL CONTENT IS COPYR...
                           Ormond Beach Florida - Houses and Condos for Sale or Lease It's that time of year again. It's the time of year when the weather in Central Florida is sunny and beautiful. It's also perfect for anyone who would like to buy a house or condo in the beautiful town of Ormon...
                            Daytona Beach Florida - Houses and Condos for Sale or Lease It's that time of year again. It's the time of year when the weather in Central Florida is sunny and beautiful. It's also perfect for anyone who would like to buy a house or condo in the beautiful town of Day...
                Nature Photo and Daytona Beach area Real Estate Info by Lisa Hill This is another beautiful photo by my friend Nick. I've been waiting to show this one. I think it's another astounding capture, which seems to be an amazing talent of Nick's. It also make me stop and think about ho...
                           South Daytona Florida - Houses and Condos for Sale or Lease It's that time of year again. It's the time of year when the weather in Central Florida is warm and wonderful. It's also perfect for anyone who would like to buy a house or condo in the beautiful town of South...
Yep. I'm a day late. That's what happens when your blogging actually works, and you're suddenly overwhelmed with real estate buyers. (Yay!) So all I could do yesterday was leave a few comments. But since I love the photo-blog days so much, I decided I wasn't going to miss out completely. So here'...
                  Daytona Beach Shores Florida - Houses and Condos for Sale or Lease It's that time of year again. It's the time of year when the weather in Central Florida is warm and wonderful. It's also perfect for anyone who would like to buy a house or condo in the beautiful town of Daytona...
                            Canada Residents - We're Bringing Florida Real Estate News to YOU! Here's a special treat for our Canadian friends... A real estate seminar about the benefits of investing in Florida real estate! When: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Where: 340 Ferrier Street, U...
Here's another one of Nick's fantastic photos. I love the shot of this bee in mid-air. I'm sure he's looking for a nice pollen snack, and he's honing in on 2 delicious flowers =) Buzz buzz! If you're looking to buy or sell real estate in the Daytona Beach area, make a Smart Choice and contact Lis...
It's been a while since I wrote a Silly Saturday post... although I post a lot of "silly" posts in general... So anyway, I found this adorable little "fairy" named Twig on Facebook, and I instantly had to play with her little doohicky that let's you get your own "fairy name" =D  And since I have ...

Lisa Hill

Daytona Beach Real Estate
local_phone(386) 212-5357
Contact The Author
Areas Served: Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, Ponce Inlet, Wilbur by the Sea, Port Orange, Ormond Beach, South Daytona, Holly Hill, New Smyrna, Edgewater, Florida Shores.

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