I keep thinking of all of these topics to post about. But invariably you're so much better if you have the "why" as to anything in life. So, for me, I'm thinking to myself...."I know why I blog, but do you know why you blog?" Like anything in life without a passion, it really becomes quite mun
Over this past month, I've received a number of new loans. I love the easy slam dunk loans where someone with perfect credit, excellent income and a good down payment comes in, but it doesn't always work out that way. Just this past month... I have received 4 referrals whom have been denied by a
So here we are one week later with no resolution to the government shutdown. Democrats. Republicans. Can't stand either side right now! As most of us roll our eyes and say "here we go again," there are people who are actually trying to buy a home right now. The problem is that the Social Secu
Most lenders won't lend without a credit score of 640 or above. Now, Cherry Creek Mortgage and FHA have the ability to lend down to a 580 credit score. Obviously the further you are below the 640 mark, the greater the overlays are, but still, for those people who just can't seem to climb over t
People are often unreasonable and self-centered. FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY If you are kind, people may accuse you of alterior motives. BE KIND ANYWAY If you are honest, people may cheat you. BE HONEST ANYWAY; If you may find happiness, people may be jealous. BE HAPPY ANYWAY The good you do today m
It's not often I get the opportunity to endorse and recommend another author. As most of you know I'm in the final chapter of my book that is to be released the first part of 2014. With all my focus on finding free time to finish it, I'm having less success in reading others. However, I do wan
Parents Will Eat Their Young.... not all of the time, but sometimes, and only in the wild...... But I will tell you that I do understand the frustrations that leaders face when teaching and mentoring others. I love my kids, but as I tell them.....each day I have a different favorite....for the da
The across the board minimum for most mortgage companies is a 640 middle credit score. Now, at Cherry Creek Mortgage, we have the ability to approve FHA loans down to a credit score of 580. Earth shattering? Not really, but huge? You bet! This is something that takes a lot of borderline buye
A new football season is upon us! Starting right now! Is anyone else as excited as I am or do you just not care? For me, after the Super Bowl...it's empty with no sports until the football season begins. My Green Bay Packers are poised for change, and hopefully for the better. Your team may
I had three contact referrals to give to realtors over the weekend. As the weekend was busy I called and left voice mails, but I like to follow up with an e-mail. I wanted to e-mail all three realtors to give them further information. So....doing the natural thing a geeky guy like me would do,