Just read this...its exciting for the real estate world...sounds like they are getting more on the same page, just still debating over the amounts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - May 17, 2007 - While a House-Senate committee discussing Florida property values has not reached any conclusio
MySpace is not just for teenyboppers anymore. Real Estate is all about marketing, and if there were a free tool available to you for marketing, why wouldn't you use it? MySpace is simply that. Free marketing. My husband is a rock radio DJ, and his target audience is between 18-34 years old an
Florida has always been a hot spot for relocation. I was born and raised in South Florida, and quickly decided when my husband interviewed for jobs out of state that there was no way we could leave Florida - who wants to shovel snow and freeze all winter anyway? I am a native Floridian and plan