How do top real estate agents in Rapid City use the internet to sell homes? ("This ain't your father's real estate!") The Basics: What Gets People to Buy Real Estate in Rapid City SD? Answer: "Buyers get buyers to buy homes." What I mean by that is, in most every case when some one winds up
Isn't That a Quote Football Coach and TV Announcer Don Meredith was Famous for?..."If it's true it ain't braggin'. " Well, something like that, anyway."Staging:" Somewhere Between Braggin' n Lie'n?I'm all-in for staging. I help pay the cost of an initial consult by my staging colleague. But,
Because...I have a map showing where everybody was in 2010. And Just How Do I Know This? Easy. Remember the U.S. Census? Last done in 2010. The U.S. Census Bureau attempts to inventory every person, including where you live. So any map that shows where every person's home is, would also sho
An Elephant-sized Question. Grandchildren want to take home a new pet baby elephant. Thailand on The Run My daughter's family is on a once-in-a-lifetime extended trip to Thailand. My son-in-law was invited to give some lectures at a university there. Meanwhile, my daughter and grandchildren
Here is an overview and list of our currently available one-level downsize homes for senior friendly living near Rapid City, SD. Where Are the One-level Homes in Rapid City SD Area? We currently have an inventory of only 13 homes in the Rapid City SD area that fulfill our criteria for "Senior
What One Milestone for Seniors Can Ruin Their Home's Value? When Our Elderly Parents Become Unable to Drive Safely When I was middle-aged, my wife and teens had four drivers and three cars at the house. If we needed to drive for a quick prescription-fill, or trip to a doctor, or just a craving
"I Don't Advertise on the Internet" --- Yes, You Do! Luddites? If we ignore tech in our real estate marketing, will it go away? No. In fact, if we don't address tech we may get in the way. Worse, it's already happening. Recently one of our star agents, who I admire, respect and envy eno
Five Sheets of Paper: The Last Big Things My Late Father Gave Me. A Graceful Transition My father, a high school dropout, self-educated electronics developer, and a survivor of the Great Depression, did things his way. And I never knew anything he did that didn't work out. He seldom spoke, b
What Would You Do If a Company Demanded Your Elderly Parent Pay a Bogus Bill? Scams that Target the Elderly According to the Federal Trade Commission and the new Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as the 'Boomer' population ages we'll likely see an increase in fraudulent scams that t
I am posting this as a question. Please offer your opinion and/or expertise about how we might use this to benefit our consumers and our businesses. Our local State university has implemented the mass-distribution outbound calling to campus community members to address weather closings, security