Excerpt from Plan to Win! As published in RealtorMag Have you ever expressed frustrations similar to the following? “She contacts me at odd hours of the night!” "He always calls at the last minute to view a home!" “Their kids’ rooms are always messy during a showing!” “He called on a for sale si
The TV shows make it look easy. Simply sell one or two (multi-) million dollar listings and you are on the fast track to your first _____ (insert Aston Martin, Maserati, or some other luxury item of choice). And for some, it may be that simplistic. But, as you plan for a new career in real es
and the Dos and Don't of Moving On As featured in The Huffington Post Have you ever sold a home that felt like a bad break up from a romantic relationship? Or, are you selling a home now but unsure why your emotions are in flux? Then you are not alone! Selling a home can be an emotionally ch
As featured in RealtorMag Broker-to-Broker Section Have you ever thought about which Facebook posts you engage with and which ones you skip? You may find that you like, share, and comment on posts with a funny, wise, or emotional spin.What does that tell us, as brokers, about using social media t
Excerpt from Plan to Win: Transform Your Real Estate Sales Game Plan As featured in RESAAS One out of 10. One out of 25. Those numbers make me sad when I ask agents and brokers how many of their online leads convert to clients and closings. When I hear such staggering statistics, my first e
Today's post is a special treat written by guest blogger Andrew Fogliato, the founder of JustSellHomes.com. Evernote is one of those tools that a lot of Real Estate Agents keep hearing about so they go and download it. They open it once or twice, not sure what to do with it, and then just leav
Schools in, Labor Day is over, and autumn and the holidays are approaching but that does not mean the world of real estate comes to a standstill. You may need to get your home sold during the fall but now selling in the fall is a strange beast. Here are 4 home selling missteps you should not be
...and How Not to Be Frustrated by Either! Originally written for and published on HuffPost. Hear me out: Fiverr does not have to be a total waste of time despite what you may have heard or experienced. (If this is Greek to you, Fiverr is an online marketplace to outsource business tasks, sim
I know we all hate those moments when we forget a client's home anniversary or some other special day. Well the app Timehop can help you stay in touch better. Timehop AUTOMATICALLY alerts you to events, text messages, emails, and photos that are good throwbacks and connecting points to build rel
And why it's such an excellent companion to customer relationship management Originally written for and published by Inman News. Social media is just one more way that agents can connect with their clients, prospect for new clients and keep up with old clients. It sounds easy, but with all o