Laura Clay: Your Eastern North Carolina Real Estate Broker

Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Preferred Realty
Check us out!  The latest U.S. Census Bureau recently released data showing that Greenville is now the 10th largest city in North Carolina and was second only to Cary as the fastest growing municipality of more than 40,000 people!!   The top 10 cities in NC and their 2007 population data are as ...
I am far from an expert at this SEO stuff but learning can be a lot of fun!  I heard about this site that helps a lot with backlinks and "google juice" (a term I recently learned).  I have joined and encourage you to join as well!  just copy and paste my ...
Remember when you were sitting in a classroom and nervous about asking a question for fear that the other students would think you were totally clueless???   Well... I am!  As someone who is new not only to active/rain but also to blogging in general, my question is simple.  When you subscribe to...
There's so much more to this blogging stuff than I ever imagined!!  Check me out... I'm getting technical, I've joined    :o)
I got a comment on my post about North Carolina being rated the 3rd best state for business and that got me thinkin... I LOVE North Carolina!! I've been here all of my life from Wilmington to Charlotte and Greenville now for over half my life. I've visited many states and several countries and ha...
According to Chief Executive Magazine’s 4th Annual “Best & Worst States” survey, North Carolina is the #3 state to do business; coming in behind Texas & Nevada primarily due to their lack of a state income tax. Michigan, California and New York were listed as the worst 3 states for business due t...
Bernanke Prepared to Cut Key Rates Again Federal reserve Chair Ben Bernanke told the House Financial Service Committee during an appearance on Wednesday that the Fed is prepared to lower key interest rates again to bolster economic growth. The Fed "will act in a timely manner as needed to support...
Great article on top real estate web sites from the Today Show this morning!

Laura Clay

local_phone(252) 439-4007
smartphone(252) 347-9529
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