Home Staging For You

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Home Stager
An Accredited Staging Professional providing Staging services, Home Readiness services, ReDesign and eStaging Consultations in Harris County as well as Virtual Consultations throughout the United States
Motivational Monday…Words My Mini-me was over recently and we were discussing words. She’d mentioned chocolate cake and I responded…That’s one of my favorite words!!! She gave me a quizzical look and said…you mean you like to eat chocolate cake!I responded…Well, yes I do but I love to hear the wo...
Posts Just For You- This Week at ActiveRain February 2 to February 8, 2025  Every day there is something to learn here at ActiveRain.  With this series, I highlight posts that gave me that lightbulb moment. It could be something techie, a post about Real Estate or other professions, about a place...
This Week…Ready to Watch! It’s been a week of ActiveRain Anniversaries for me, gorgeous weather, and anticipating Super Bowl LIX.   You can't be great without the greatest of others.. Nick SirianniFor as long as I can remember, I have loved football. Football was on our television at home (3 sets...
Friday Fun…You Watchin’?  The Big Game is this Sunday and just in case you’ve been away …it’s Super Bowl Sunday!!!  Super Bowl LIX!!! Nina Hollander, Broker ’s post shared fun Super Bowl Facts, so head there to learn more!!  The Streib house will be watching and cheering for the Chiefs!!! Nothing...
Where Did the Time Go?This has been a week of ActiveRain anniversaries for me. Tuesday marked the 13th year of my Sunday highlight posts. And today, February 6, marks my 17th year of ActiveRain membership. HOW?When I began my Home Staging business in 2007, I researched websites of agents in my ar...
Wordless Wednesday…Creativity and Cars! A few years ago, Larry and I saw a car that was all “decked out.” There were trolls and every other tchotchke imaginable on it.  The owner planned on entering it in the annual Houston Art Car Parade. Last week, we saw another fun car at Kickerillo!  I’ll be...
Has It Really Been 13 Years??? Thirteen years ago, February 4, 2012, I posted my first of what would become my weekly Sunday series.   When commenting or speaking with others, I was always saying that I learned something everyday at ActiveRain. One day, I decided to put my money where my mouth wa...
February Challenge-What I Loved About Home Staging When we were looking for homes in Northern VA, I couldn’t believe how some of the homes we viewed were prepared…or rather unprepared for buyers.  One day Larry told me about something called Home Staging. He worked for large home building compani...
Posts Just For You- This Week at ActiveRain January 26 to February 1, 2025  Every day there is something to learn here at ActiveRain.  With this series, I highlight posts that gave me that lightbulb moment. It could be something techie, a post about Real Estate or other professions, about a place...
This Week…Finally Some Sun and Dark Chocolate After what seems like the whole month of January under cloudy skies and drizzle, we finally saw some sun yesterday!  YEA!!!Always keep a smile on your face, a rainbow inyour heart, and some dark chocolate on hand. UnknownIn the next 2 or 3 weeks, we e...