OK, let’s all exercise a little honesty on this topic and keep it light, not heavy… Are you a devout Fox News viewer? Or, are you a devout CNN viewer? Now, if you watch Fox News are you a “conservative”? Are you a Republican? If you are a CNN viewer, are you a “liberal”? Are you a Democrat? Am I...
If any of my fellow Realtors in Greenville, SC have ever wanted to learn how to shoot a pistol accurately, comfortably and handle it safely, there is a new professional indoor range opening soon. Allen Arms Indoor Range and retail gun shop is scheduled to open in May of 2008. Their location and ...
I’ve recently been showing some clients some newer homes in the area. They’re from out of town and they are moving here as part of a relocation for a job, but they fully expect to have to relocate again somewhere between 2 to 4 years. They’re not sure when, but it will happen. They keep getting ...
Within the year prior to me moving my family out of California to South Carolina I was suddenly struck with a brilliant idea. I had figured out that it was a brilliant move for me to get my real estate appraiser’s license! Well, as memory serves, the class was about 2 ½ weeks long, it was very ...
Before I left Irvine, California and moved to Greenville, SC I briefly considered buying a 3 bedroom town home with a 2 car attached garage. It was stupid expensive. I knew I really could not afford it and I knew that it was dangerous to even attempt to make it work out, as my gut was telling me...
Granted, the subject is off-topic from real estate. Forgive me. However, as Fox News had a special on tonight called “Jihad USA…Homegrown Terror”, I couldn’t help but be reminded of what I was doing the morning of 9/11. My second born son, Justin, was born on September 8th. His first night sleep...
My buddy in California was a Vice President of Information Technologies for a major corporation. He was well liked and served in his position for just over 10 years. It turns out the gal down the hallway that had just enough power over him felt threatened by the strong friendships he had built o...
The perfect house for my clients has been found, and there it sits, on the sidelines! I took out some buyer clients to look at houses about two weeks ago. We did a comprehensive needs-analysis and wish-list including details on the home, the price, the neighborhood, the school district, accessib...
In today’s ever-changing mortgage industry climate, it is more important than ever to be sure your buyer clients have been recently pre-approved for their intended home purchase. Some recent buyer clients had not yet been pre-approved for a home loan, yet I decided to take a gamble, a risk, and ...
"A year ago at this time, Irvine was home to 18 subprime lenders, including many of the leaders in the field, such as New Century Financial and Option One. Then, in what seemed like the blink of an eye, 4,100 good-paying white collar jobs were gone, or roughly 2% of the city's work force."This wa...