What is it they say about imitation? The sincerest form of flattery? I guess I should be really flattered then! For several months now, we have had what I must assume to be a competitor "snooping on us" trying to figure out how we position our Google ads and keywords. When my husband developed
We did some rough calculations earlier from data acquired via FMLS and figured that Big Canoe resales are down roughly 40% in 2007 vs 2006. Not surprisingly, there does seem to be a basic bell curve of agents and their respective sales. Some are doing better this year, some much worse than 2006
I am curious if other agents are seeing any differences in activity for their particular market in relation to season. When IBA Realty Group first started listing and selling Big Canoe real estate, we were told by established agents to expect a big slow-down once the leaves dropped from the tree
I have enjoyed reading posts on Active Rain for some time now, and I decided to jump in and join you. For those of you that to now know us, IBA Realty Group is a full service real estate broker serving the North Georgia Communities of Big Canoe, Jasper, and Bent Tree. Our primary focus is on th