You may have read about me and my kids chicken sitting experience several blogs ago back when I was stuck here in Georgia while some good friends/clients were in colorado skiing. PS I was rewarded with the VERY FIRST eggs those chickens laid! So my reputation as a caregiver has escalated into a
I have a great fully furnished listing in the Big Canoe Community that is the star of the show as far as my listings go! This home is only 3 years new and has probably been slept in less than 30 nights total. Four bedrooms and 3.5 baths with ample deck space and a 2 car detached garage. The owne
In Big Canoe, like all over the country, investment properties are hot right now, really hot.. Buyers want to snap up a home, or condo that will either pay it's own mortgage through full time renters or pay for part of the mortgage with weekend rentals. Sellers with seconds home want it rented be
Oh please take the time to read through my last few posts starting from last Tuesday. You will see the progression of fiery excitement due to the pending snow in Big Canoe. Here's the Readers Digest Version Day One, Tuesday:we get the call that there would be a half day on Wednesday due to the fo
I am writing my second post tonight because I was inspired by a fairly new AR member, Sue Neff. Real estate is such a wide open field. You have a license and can sell anything you want as long as it's in the category of real estate. BUT, the big questions is, WHAT is your specialty? From the ey
So many of my buyers come from Atlanta looking to live in Big Canoe but they don't want to drive the extra 20-25 minutes once they reach the gates. They want to enjoy life in a gated resort community full time rather than owning a second home here and they are willing to make the 1 hour commute
We are still snowed in up here/down here (however you want to see it) in Big Canoe with hopes of getting out by Sunday. This is the first time we've been truly snowed in since I moved here 5 years ago. I had the very best day hiking over to the waterfalls and sledding down my street with the kid
Wow! we really got some snow here in Big Canoe! I spent most of the day preparing for this rare event and even broke down and bought a toboggon. Can you say, Optomist? Well my good wishes for snow came true. I got to frolic around with the kids and my faithful fake border collie, Dominic. I'm i
I know we won't be getting a ton of snow up here in Big Canoe, but I love preparing for the white stuff. This is the best time to break out the crock pot and cook up some my old Headed Down in a Hand-Basket Anyway- Pantry Chili!!! The recipe is so easy even a BUSY agent can make it! I head over
Quick note from me before the sappy stuff starts. I'm proud to announce that my little company, IBA is celebrating 5 years in business this year. I never thought I'd make it as far as I did and now I have a true passion for real estate! We are not a fortune 500 but as far as small town agencies g