Get in while the getting is good! The most popular way of measuring the movement of home prices is with the Case-Shiller Index, which show a 20-City Composite rating of 0.8%. Prices are down from one year previously. It’s the first decrease since October 2009. As the report noted, some marke
As the economy begins its recovery and consumers feel better about spending, remodeling is expected to surge this spring. That spare cash is going back into their homes. After the worst slump since the early 1960’s, the upswing is on and remodeling is finally back. Many homeowners want to imp
There are many real estate agents who are handling an increased volume of short sales due to today’s complex housing market. And while short sales can be a win-win situation for everyone, if they are not executed and understood properly, they can cause many complications. Every short sale scen
Twin Cities communities are seeking a brand for Smith Avenue to help create a plan to invigorate the tree-lined, residential, commercial corridor that stretches from High Bridge in St. Paul to Dodd Road in West St. Paul. The plan is meant to help guide business owners, residents, public officia
The January 2011 edition of the Obama Administration’s Housing Scorecard has been released by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Figures show increased new and existing home sales as affordability remains high. Officials caution that the market remains fragile as prices are unsettled. Forec
Lenders are looking at a wider range of your personal data in determining whether you're a good financial risk. And it's all under a cloud of secrecy they'll never share with you! A would-be borrower may be denied a mortgage based on "stuff" they never know were relevant when applying for a mor
The cost of insuring homes on the rise makes now a good time to look for ways to save money on your home owners insurance policy. The Insurance Information Institute is a non-profit organization supported by property and causality insurance business. They attribute increases in the high co
Great Short Sale Opportunity . . . Two-Bedroom Manor Townhome Now offered with a $10,000 price reduction, this home is priced to sell at $90,000! Located in Vadnais Heights, MN with easy highway access to St. Paul and Minneapolis This upper unit townhome features an attached garage in a secured
If you have some home renovations you are interested in tackling, I have some tips about what renovations will devalue your home. In many cases, most people don't want to pay extra for someone's pet project when it comes to buying a home. Renovations or home improvement projects can increase t
When buying a home, most new homeowners want to decorate it with their very own style. And the most intimate and private room in your home is your bedroom. Decorating your bedroom can be invigorating to you. However, guest rooms may have a completely different vibe. Many homeowners want the r