Kristi DeFazio's (kristidefazio) Blog

Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Advantage



      Yesterday I attended the annual update course that is required for the state of Colorado. This class goes over all the new changes for the year. The changes covered are things like contracts, lead based paint rules, rules for property management, etc... One new rule that came out was in reg...
Below is a link to Bill McAfee's Colorado Springs July market update on Youtube. It is quite entertaining! Bill is the president of Empire Title here in Colorado Springs. He shares some really good news for our market in this video. Highlights: The Colorado Springs rental market is booming- Great...
I Had to Share This Great News of Progress in the Fight Against Cancer! Although this doesn't relate to real estate much, I bet many of you involved in real estate have been touched by cancer some way or another -whether it be personal, or someone you know. I sure have. I recently lost my amazing...
While looking at listings online, I am always amazed when agents don't put up more pictures. I understand if it is bank-owned, or not in the best shape. Let's admit it, sometimes the home doesn't have many "picture worthy" qualities. I came upon a listing that had only 5 pictures. This listing ha...
Are You a Candy-Coater?   I think there are two types of people in the real estate business. Those that candy-coat and those that don't. I am not sure which one is best, but I will say that I am NOT a "Candy-Coater." If I see a situation and there is a problem, I usually tell it like it is. I hav...
I just read a post by Deb Brooks about how a pesky telemarketer drove her nuts. It made me think of a situation that happened with my son the other day. Let me start the story by saying that I respect telemarketers- to a point. I am ALWAYS polite in the beginning. I had a job trying to sell newsp...
Thanks to Karen for presenting this so perfectly! Anyone thinking of selling their home should pay close attention to this post. The agent controls #6, but a good agent will advise on 1-5 and help sell the home for the highest price in the shortest amount of time possible. Although they can be st...
This one is too priceless NOT to share. Thanks to Tim Fennell for sharing. The stats confirm what happened here- this guy got more for his home with and agent than he would have on his own (even factoring in the commission). Founder of For Sale By Owner Company Turns to REALTOR® for Help by TIM o...
Colorado Springs Parade of Homes August 5-21, 2011 It is that time of year again- Parade of Homes! I look forward to this each year. It is a chance to see different styles and price ranges of homes throughout Colorado Springs. This year 33 homes will be featured by 25 different home builders. The...
Strawberry Fields Condos-Colorado Springs-Market Update Aug. 1, 2011               Strawberry Fields Condos in Colorado Springs have seen a fair amount of sales so far in 2011. from January 2011 to July 31, 12 resale units were sold. Here is the market update for Stawberry Fields from Oct. 2009 t...